Saturday, April 23, 2016

First Denver Newspaper Published...!

"Why should I care?", you may ask. Because it marked an important day in the history of the west, that's why!

Just as the railroad helped to open up the west to travel, the first newspaper helped the average citizen to stay informed on current affairs. In the days when information was hard to come by, the newspaper was like the internet of it's time!

Byers publishes first Denver newspaper

Beating a rival publisher by a mere 20 minutes, William Byers distributes the first newspaper ever published in the frontier boomtown of Denver, Colorado.

Byers had arrived in Denver the previous month. He had previously worked as surveyor in Oregon and Washington and served as a territorial representative in Nebraska. However, when Byers heard in 1858 of the discovery of silver and gold in the Pike’s Peak area of Colorado, he decided to move to the Colorado gold fields to establish a newspaper. Denver was becoming a center for the Colorado mining industry, and Byers reasoned that it was the ideal location to begin publishing a newspaper.

As was the case in many western frontier towns, would-be journalists in Denver were vying for the honor of publishing the first newspaper. In Byers’ case, his competitor was the Cherry Creek Pioneer. Rushing to beat the Pioneer into print, Byers set to work on the first edition of his newspaper shortly after he arrived in Denver in March. Working with a handpress in the attic of a local saloon, Byers printed and distributed the first edition of his newspaper on this day in 1859, beating the first release of The Pioneer by only 20 minutes.

In honor of the rugged mountain range that rose up abruptly to the west of Denver, Byers named his new venture in frontier journalism The Rocky Mountain News. Byers remained the editor and publisher of the News until 1878, using the paper as a platform to promote the development of agriculture in the area as an alternative to relying solely on mining. Never trained as a professional journalist, Byers also unapologetically used the paper to express his own views. “My feelings,” he once noted, “have been those of personal championship for a state in which I have felt a deep personal interest.” He died in 1903, having witnessed and shaped Denver’s transformation from a rugged frontier-mining town to a sophisticated business and financial center of the Rocky Mountain West.

Like so many things that we take for granted today, the newspaper was actually a big step for Denver. The paper helped to shape politics and opened up a way for the public to engage in informative debates! Boy, I reckon we are pretty spoiled now days.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. It's cool, but no rain is forecast!


  1. Remember back in time the only agenda of a newspaper was to tell the truth and real journalists reported the news? The only political views were made by the editor in his daily column. If you didn't like what he said, you just bought a different paper. No one asks 'who, what, where and why' anymore. That's why the newspapers are dying. The truth is found in the blogs. That why the government wants control of the internet, to keep us uniformed.

  2. great post today. Want to read it again when I am not so rushed You know I love the history of the West

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    I do know what you mean. Houston had 3 papers when I grew up and now they only have one! Guess it's cheaper to publish online.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. I saw a TV show about that first paper in Denver. Very interesting.

  5. Hey Jo...
    Better slow down and take time to sell the roses. Never enough time anymore, is there?
    Thanks for dropping in this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    For a man that had not studied to become a journalist, he did pretty well.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!
