Monday, April 25, 2016

Walking Straight For Monday Mysteries...!

I think I've read about this once before, but had no idea that someone was actually studying it.

Part of it I can understand, but then I start to get confused. Why wouldn't we be able to walk straight, even without a visual reference? Guess that's the reason for the study.

Why Can’t Humans Walk Straight?

A German research scientist named Jan Souman conducted an experiment that showed that humans are incapable of walking in a straight line. Souman blindfolded his subjects and instructed them “to try to walk straight for up to an hour.” Instead of walking straight, the volunteers walked in circles. The German scientist conducted the experiment in various locations, such as the beach and the Sahara Desert, but the results were the same.

Souman then tried another experiment, and this time there were no blindfolds. The results were different and a bit surprising. If it was cloudy out, the subjects walked in circles. When the weather was good and sunny, only one of the subjects was able to walk relatively straight.

So why does this phenomenon exist? Scientists don’t really have an explanation, and Jan Souman is still working on a multi-causal theory.

I can't figure out this one. Most of the time I couldn't walk straight was when I was under the influence of some alcoholic beverage. I wonder what my excuse would be now that I don't drink any more?

Coffee inside this morning. Rain may be lurking right around the corner!


  1. Know what they call moths that fly straight? Drunk. :>) Wonder if it has something to do whether you are right or left handed?

  2. When I walk I find myself drifting back and forth along the sidewalk. Very interesting topic.

  3. Maybe it has something to do with how the inner ear works. Good topic for our coffee chat this morning!

  4. Hey Momlady...
    That's pretty good! I'll have to remember that one.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    And that's without drinking, right? (just kidding!)
    Interesting topic, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Could be. I reckon we'll never really know!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. Well I sure hope the good Dr. figures this out. When I see them giving a sobrity test I think OH NO I would fail in a heart beat.

  6. Sometimes I have trouble walking straight, but I am Dizzy, you know.

  7. Hey Jo...
    I would imagine that a lot of folks have the same thoughts. Let's hope he finds an answer soon!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    So that's where you got the name? Cool!
    I appreciate you coming by today!
