Friday, May 13, 2016

Name That Cow For Freaky Friday...!

Now here is a study that might surprise you, but be useful at the same time!

Scientific studies are always going on and many times the information is not much use to the average person. However, if you have some milk cows this study might actually be of some use. Hey...never hurts to try, right? Best part is that it won't cost anything!

Cows With Names Produce More Milk

Small Dairy farmers could potentially increase their incomes with one simple but weird trick—give their cows names. A scientific study published in Anthrozoos suggested that cows with names produce more milk than their nameless counterparts. 

This bizarre study was conducted by Drs. Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle University, and it involved over 500 dairy farmers from the United Kingdom.

On average, cows produce 7,500 liters (2,000 gal) of milk over a period of 10 months. But Douglas and Rowlinson discovered that cows with names produced 260 liters (70 gal) more.

Many dairy farmers have long suspected that giving their cattle some “one-to-one attention” increases milk production, but this research was the first that tried to prove it scientifically. According to the study, cows that are herded as a group also produce less milk

See? Even milk cows need a little one-on-one attention from time to time. All my relatives in the country that had milk cows gave them names. Maybe they knew something we didn't know!

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Darn! Names don't work with my chickens.... :o)

  2. Well if I ever get myself a milk cow I sure will name it. Wonder if the HOA will let me keep a cow in my yard.

    Nice and cool out side time for the porch I think.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Maybe it's because they don't give milk? Guess they don't find the extra attention as nice as the cows.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Somehow I don't think they will. Most HOAS don't have much understanding about things like that!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  4. I wonder if babied bulls produce

  5. Hey Gorges...
    Good question! I don't know how that works, but I figure it couldn't hurt to try!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. My Uncle had a small farm, around a hundred acres. He had a few milk cows and they were all named. Now I know why. My favorite was Oddy. She had an odd coloring for her breed, so that is where the name came from.

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    See...the old timers knew what they were doing all along! Grerat name!
    Thanks for the visit today!
