Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Nudes Of Dr. Seuss...!

The man we all know as Dr. Seuss was actually a successful artist before writing the Dr. Seuss books.

He worked for the government for a while making the "Pvt. Snafu" propaganda films. He wanted to do something a bit different, so that's how the book about the 7 nudes came about.

Smut About Seven Naked Ladies

Photo credit: Random House via Amazon

Before Dr. Seuss started his career as everyone’s favorite children’s author, he made an unusual deal with Random House. Seuss demanded a clause in his contract that allowed him to write a book about seven nudist sisters before he started writing children’s books.

As Seuss was convinced that such a book would be popular, he wanted his publisher to give him a chance to titillate the public with his erotic pictures. So he wrote The Seven Lady Godivas.

The pictures looked much like you’d expect from Seuss. In fact, his naked ladies looked exactly like the people in his kids’ books except that his erotic people didn’t have any clothes on.

But the erotic book flopped. Seuss lamented that he’d failed because he couldn’t draw the “sexy babes” as he’d wanted to. Then he went on to become the world’s most popular children’s author—all because he couldn’t draw a sexy enough picture. If you want to know more about this famous man, you can check him out on line. The place to start is right here!

Coffee out on the patio today. I don't have a clue what the weather is going to do!


  1. Maybe the Lord was trying to tell him something! lol

  2. Glad he got out of the erotic picture book business - too funny!

  3. This is new to me, glad he made it with the childrens books.

    We have had nothing but terrible winds here allergies are so bad. Hope you have a better day weather wise.

  4. Strange to think of Dr. Seuss with nudes...pause. Raining and grey here. Going to hunker down. Take care.

  5. Hey Gorges...
    Looks like he got the message. Good for him!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I reckon his humor showed through. Meant for non-serious books, I reckon!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    The wind here comes and goes. The hail and more rain are what we fear the most...that and the tornado! Had a few of them pop up as well.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  6. Again, something we didn't know. You sure can find 'em. Happy Beltane!

  7. Hey Momlady...
    Always enjoy the hunt, ya know?
    Thanks for stopping in today!

  8. Maybe his first book didn't have realistic pictures, so didn't sell. Going from soft porn to children's books, what a switch. I wonder if the parents who bought his books for their kids knew about his first book??
