Friday, June 17, 2016

Is This Really A Good Idea...?

This little picture comes from none other than Baby Sis. She may be right when she says "This must be a government project !"

See what I mean...? Thanks for the picture, Sis !

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. And the sad part of it is, our taxes actually pay the salaries of these idiots...

  2. So if we are all reading the huge sign who is watching the road.?I like the idea of a device that disables your cell phone if you car is moving. That sign is more wasteful spending. Have a great weekend.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    It is sad, isn't it ?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Guess the makers of the sign didn't think this one through.
    I appreciate the visit today!

  4. Well this needs to be looked at from a few different sides. There are bill boards all over the roadsides people look at, I'm sure they are hoping you just remember this number for when you get somewhere but yes some people are stupid enough to do it while they are driving like the ones who do it anyway. Don't know how many close calls I have had due to people texting and driving. Idiots.

  5. Hey Jo...
    I think many people would try and text it while driving. Yeah, lots of close calls come from using the phone and driving!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Bob...
    I had almost forgot about the old Burma Shave signs. They were neat !
    Thanks for the visit this morning !

  6. Bob, you're right, but I also remember that it was the passenger's duty to read the signs out loud, if the driver needed to keep his eyes on the road. Them wuz the good ol' days!

  7. Some can't remember that number and what you are suppose to text, so they do it right now while driving. Really dumb sign. Like Bob, I remember all those Burma Shave signs. Loved them. They were cool and always rhymed.
