Monday, June 20, 2016

Walking In Circles On Monday Mystery...!

Here's an interesting mystery for ya, and it doesn't involve murder or anything like that! Just an interesting experiment with a strange result.

Why Can’t Humans Walk Straight?

A German research scientist named Jan Souman conducted an experiment that showed that humans are incapable of walking in a straight line. Souman blindfolded his subjects and instructed them “to try to walk straight for up to an hour.” Instead of walking straight, the volunteers walked in circles. The German scientist conducted the experiment in various locations, such as the beach and the Sahara Desert, but the results were the same.

Souman then tried another experiment, and this time there were no blindfolds. The results were different and a bit surprising. If it was cloudy out, the subjects walked in circles. When the weather was good and sunny, only one of the subjects was able to walk relatively straight.

So why does this phenomenon exist? Scientists don’t really have an explanation, and Jan Souman is still working on a multi-causal theory.

I've heard of something like this before, but didn't know that anyone actually studied it. Really strange, if you ask me!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have some sweet potato pie I'll share!


  1. That is such a strange phenomenon! I have observed myself while walking and as I don't walk in circles I do tend to swerve left and right all the time. Maybe some day we will find out the reasons why we do this. I would love a piece of sweet potato pie - haven't had any in a long time. Thank you

  2. OH!! So I walk in circles. . . I guess that is why I am called Dizzy.

  3. Then maybe they shouldn't use those walk a straight line tests to prove someone is drunk?

  4. Bubba - I had heard of this, but do right- and left-handed people all swerve to the right? Interesting ~

  5. Hey Linda...
    I think we all have a tendency to go a little left or right.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That might have something to do with it, for sure!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Lady Hawthorne...
    Maybe you're right!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    That's a very good question and I don't have an answer.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. I know that for some reason, I take a longer step with one leg than the other. I wonder if that's related?

  7. I don't need to be blindfolded to walk in circles either. And I was wondering the same thing about testing people for drinking by making them walk a straight line.

    Sweet Potatoe pie sounds really good right about now.
