Sunday, July 17, 2016

I Forgot...!

Somehow, I got caught up in a book and forgot to post anything. Sorry about that!

Rather than leave you hanging, I just posted a few pictures that my Baby Sis sent me. She always has something to offer! Again...sorry about the delay.

This wolf is made entirely from pipe cleaners

A tornado mixed with a rainbow over Kansas.

Just a regular optical illusion created by some extremely clear water.

This is what an earthquake did to some train tracks in Canterbury, New Zealand.

A rainbow and waterfall that make everything look oh so magical.

This floating cruise ship is actually a hotel in South Korea.

That's it. Sorry again about the delay. Have a good one!

Coffee out on the patio today!


  1. No worries and it is Sunday not to many folks around on Sundays. Those pictures are fantastic and the wolf WOW! it looks so life like.

    Looks like we had us some rain last night. I usually will wake up but not last night.
    Lets top off our cups and enjoy.

    BTW what are you reading?

  2. Love the pictures. You know the old saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" and much quicker to read (grin). Good post, enjoyed it.

  3. Hey Jo...
    I just didn't want folks to think I was ill or something, so I threw up the pictures. The wolf is very lifelike, I agree!
    I finished the book, BTW. A mystery called the Sandman. Pretty good!
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Barney...
    You are certainly welcome, my friend!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Glad you liked them, buddy!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  4. Hey Ian...
    Thanks. Glad you thought so.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. Loved the pics, Mr. Hermit! Thank Baby Sis for us!

  6. Bubba -
    Don't you just love a book that demands you continue on, no matter what? I woke up last night when my Nook hit me in the face - guess I fell asleep while reading, but still I tried to read more. Guess it runs in the family ~
    Big hugs
