Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Green Eggs And Ham...!

I know you must remember that book, right? Written by none other than Dr. Seuss. His real name was Theodor Geisel, BYW.

In 1960, on a challenge from his editor, he published a book we all know as Green Eggs And Ham . The book was 62 pages and a grand total of 50 words in it. Only one of those word was more than one syllable or 5 letters...the word anywhere!

As of 2011, the book Green Eggs And Ham was the fourth best selling children's book ever! I reckon that bigger isn't always better, ya know?

Coffee outside on the patio this morning. Better hurry, though before the rain comes back!


  1. If you want a good children's book with less words, read Tuesday by David Wiesner. My kids loved it. I think my daughter was in third grade before she realized there were only two words in the whole book, which are on the last page. She was pretty indignant about it for a while! Then she realized I was giving her the opportunity to be observant and talk about what she was seeing.

    Discovered a new treat called Boterkoek which is a Dutch butter cake. It's almost a shortbread. I think it would be wonderful with our coffee.

  2. My kids loved that book! Save a slice for me, Judy!

  3. Sounds like an interesting book, Judy. I never heard of it before. My son loved all the Dr. Seuss books. He actually learned to read when he was four by reading my old Dick and Jane books. Judy, save me a slice of cake, it sounds yummy.

  4. Hey Judy...
    Thanks for the info on the book. Sounds very interesting.
    Thanks also for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I think most kids enjoy the book without knowing all the particulars about it.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    It does sound interesting for sure. I think that all kids should have some Dick and Jane books to help get started!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. I think my kids had all of Dr. Seuss books and then my grandkids and now the great grandkids.

    Just finished spraying the weeds that all the lovely rian brought. Then a skeeter must have rang the dinner bell. Coffee time for sure

  6. Hey Jo...
    One thing for sure. All this rain really brings out the 'skeeters!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!
