Saturday, August 6, 2016

Now This Is Scary...!

Ya know how I've been talking about how hot and humid it's been in Houston? Well, it's been hot enough to attract these guys!

Do you recognize these critters? VULTURES!! What in the heck are vultures doing on my patio? Guess they think it's a desert out there!

Coffee out on the patio this morning...if you don't mind the vultures!


  1. Holy crow! I mean vulture! Hope they aren't trying to tell you something. I'll talk to them if they stick around.

  2. Don't laugh, but I love vultures! They are truly an amazing bird. Did you know they even have their own web cam:

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I also hope this isn't a bad omen. They have started coming around everyday now.
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Thanks for the link to the vultures. They are interesting birds, but I would rather they found another place to hang out!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  4. That is strange for them to come in like that. You must have some tasty morsels on that patio.

  5. I wouldn't worry about them unless you also see an old guy with a white beard carrying a scythe. And dang, my last blog posting was about scythes.

  6. They are probably looking for some of those goodies you usually are willing to share.

  7. That's pretty hot and miserable when a vulture is seeking shade! Had one come through a windshield once. Hubby underestimated how slow they are taking off from road-kill.

    Got a new brownie recipe. It uses ground macadamia nuts instead of flour. Anybody game to try it?

  8. Don't worry until they start circling over you.

  9. Maybe they smelled the cat food! lol
