Sunday, August 14, 2016

Stormy Sunday 'Toons...!

We have a big storm working here and it is wet! So a little distraction is probably a good thing! Here we go...!

And one more...!

That's enough fun for today, OK?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Raining outside!


  1. Just love the old ones! Had lots and lots of thunder and lightning overnight, but only a little bit of rain.

  2. We also had a big storm roll through last night lots of rain but only for a short time. Stay dry

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Yeah, the old ones seem to be the most popular. We had a good storm last night and early this morning.Noise and rain!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I'm sure gonna try, sweetie.
    Thanks for dropping by today!
