Saturday, August 27, 2016

Strange British Forest...!

Some places just seem to fire up the imagination, if you know what I mean. This forest is one of them.

Looking at this place brings to mind elves, ghost, all sorts of creatures that are supposed to dwell in forest like this.

Hellhound’s Heaven

Photo credit: Alamy via The Guardian

Tucked away in Dartmoor’s Wistman’s Wood, this supposedly haunted forest in Devon contains hundreds of twisted trees and moss-covered stones. A common story involving Hellhound’s Heaven concerns a hooded figure in dark robes that walks with a pack of hellhounds. If any human dares to enter the forest, the spectral man threatens to steal their soul.

Besides the ghost of Hellhound’s Heaven, Dartmoor is awash in eerie legends. From the feline Beast of Dartmoor to the relatively new “Demon” of Dartmoor, Devonshire may be the heart of supernatural England. No wonder Sir Arthur Conan Doyle decided to set his spookiest Sherlock Holmes story, “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” in Dartmoor.

As for Hellhound’s Heaven, rational minds believe that the forest’s sinister reputation is based on the fact that Wistman’s Wood was allowed to grow wild, thereby making the area dense in vegetation. Others believe that the many ghosts are due to the fact that Dartmoor was once roamed by druids and other pre-Christian peoples who actively engaged in pagan rituals.

It's funny how a place like this can be so beautiful and spooky at the same time, ya know? I know I wouldn't want to get lost there at night!

Coffee out on the wet patio this morning


  1. It looks magical, Mr. Hermit! Would love to visit there!

  2. I love the look it is magical like Chickenmom said. there are so many legends out of old England.

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    I know what you mean. It does look magical.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Yeah, they do have a lot of legends there. Reckon it's because it's an old country.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  4. I think it would be fun to spend a night there. Want to come along and keep me company or do you think I would have a lot of company, uninvited of course?

  5. Hey Dizzy...
    I think I'll pass, just in case you have all that company! Sometimes the uninvied can be a bit much, ya know?
    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!
