Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Whisky And Watching Cannibals...!

Sometimes when folks have a bit too much money, they do strange things. Take Jameson, for instance.

The Jameson Whiskey Heir Who Paid To Watch Cannibals

Photo credit: Modern Notion

James Jameson, who was heir to the Jameson Irish whiskey empire, was also an explorer. In one 1887 incident recorded by famed adventurer Henry Stanley, Jameson was in Ribakiba meeting Arab slave trader Tippu Tip when he expressed interest in watching cannibals.

For the price of just six handkerchiefs, he purchased a 10-year-old girl who was taken to a known cannibal village and given to the tribe. Jameson documented their process and even drew sketches, later filling them in with watercolors and showing them to the tribal chiefs.
At first, Stanley expressed skepticism. But after speaking to Jameson’s translator, he concluded that it was the truth.

I can't imagine someone actually wanting to watch this. Maybe he had a touch of his own product before hand, ya reckon?

Coffee out on the patio today. Sorry, I have to leave to go to the V.A., so help yourself!


  1. Ah, Mr. Hermit...you made me go on a hunt again:

  2. Cannibalism is one of those things that just freak me out. The rich have some nasty hobbies sometimes.

  3. That is just beyond sick. He had to have had a bottle or two of whisky to do such a despicable thing. Hope all goes well at the VA.

  4. Sick, just sick..the human race never fails to amaze me.

  5. He was sick, but hoping you're all right with the world. Let me know how the blood comes out (pun intended), Bubba.
    Big hugs ~

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    I know how much you like looking things up!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Yeah, it does and they do! A lot of creepy there!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I do think you're right about that!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Man, ain't it the truth?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I won't know the results of the blood test until tomorrow when they call I'm sure all will be OK.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  7. That is just plain sick.

    Hope all goes well today my friend, turns out we have food poisoning from Sunday's breakfast won't be going back there ever again. Still feeling bad.

  8. I'm not sure what disgusts me the most, that he wanted to watch cannibals or that he would buy a child to give to them. I'm glad I don't like whiskey.

  9. I am glad I ate my breakfast two or three hours ago, because after reading this, I don't think I could stomach it. It is really sick what humans do to each other and the worst part of all is that sometimes the victim is a child. Thanks for the history lesson.

  10. He was obviously a pervert. It's a shame that they didn't eat HIM!

  11. Hey Jo...
    Sorry you got food poisoning. It's no fun!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey LadyHawthorne...
    Both are pretty bad actions for a "civilized" person. What was he thinking?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    The human race can get rather sick at times, without a doubt!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Gorge...
    Lots of his kind (perverts) loose on the streets.
    Thanks for coming over today!
