Monday, September 26, 2016

Spider Tale For Monday Mystery...

Some of the most fascinating creatures in Mother Nature's collection is the spider. Many questions abound when we really study them.

No matter how much we learn about these critters, there always seem to be more questions left unanswered. Here is a good example of what I'm talking about.

Bizarre Web Formations In The Amazon

Photo credit:

In 2013, Troy Alexander discovered several mysterious webs in the Tambopata Research Center in Peru. Each web had a small sphere in the center surrounded by a circular fence. He asked several experts what the formations were, but they didn’t know.

Determined to unravel the mystery, he went back to Peru a few months later. His determination eventually paid off when he discovered that the sphere inside the fence was an egg sac containing a spiderling.

However, scientists still do not know what species creates the bizarre webs. Nor have they discovered the specific purpose of the fence. They have two hypotheses, though. One is that the fence acts as some kind of defense, protecting the egg sacs from ants. The other is that it captures termites, which the spiderlings can feast on once they hatch.

Can you imagine having a paying job that consist of searching out spiders and their webs? Scary way to earn a living if you ask me.

Coffee out on the patio if the rain will hold off long enough.


  1. Since I am not afraid of spiders I think that would be a fun job. Now on the other hand my hubby, who is afraid of spiders, would not even consider that a fun job. This in an interesting post this morning.

  2. Spiders are fascinating. I love to watch them spin their webs. Walking into one, however, is not a nice experience. Thanks for the interesting story. You find such good ones!

  3. Hey Linda...
    I'm glad that you are volunteering for the job. You can certainly have my part in the spider hunt.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    It is interesting to watch them at work, and I never enjoy walking into a web either!
    Tanks for coming by today!

  4. Interesting, the web is so very different from any I have ever seen. Love to see what the spider that built it looks like.

    Raining here this morning, so maybe the patio will stay dry at your place for coffee.

  5. When I was a kid, I used to catch spiders. Then I would catch flies and other bugs to feed them. I loved the brightly colored ones. Now, I don't like them so much.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Guess that's what makes it a good mystery. Even the experts are fooled.
    Thanks for dropping in, sweetie.

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'll second that!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    We all did some similar things when we were young, I think.
    Thanks for the visit today!
