Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Teddy Becomes President...!

Despite some rough spots in his life, Teddy did more than just a little in the move to conserve the western wilderness.

An adoptive westerner becomes president of the United States

On this day in 1901, the 42-year-old Theodore Roosevelt is suddenly elevated to the White House when President McKinley dies from an assassin’s bullet. But while McKinley’s untimely death brought Roosevelt the presidency, 17 years earlier two other deaths had sent the young Roosevelt fleeing to the far West where his political ambitions were almost forgotten.

In February 1884, Roosevelt’s young wife died after giving birth to their daughter; a mere 12 hours later his much-beloved mother also died. Devastated by this cruel double blow, Roosevelt sought solace in the wide open spaces of the West, establishing himself on two ranches in the Badlands of Dakota Territory and writing to friends that he had given up politics and planned to make ranching “my regular business.” Despite this, three years later he returned to New York City and resumed the political career that would eventually take him to the White House. Even after he had returned to the civilized East, Roosevelt always credited his western interlude with restoring his mental and physical vitality.

From an early age, Roosevelt had been convinced of the benefits of living the “strenuous life,” arguing that too many American males had succumbed to the ease and safety of modern industrialized society and become soft and effeminate. Roosevelt thought more men should follow his example and embrace the hard, virile, pioneer life of the West, a place where “the qualities of hardihood, self-reliance, and resolution” were essential for survival. Roosevelt’s own western experience was hardly as harsh and challenging as he liked to claim, yet the eastern tenderfoot did adapt quickly to the rougher ways of ranch life. He earned the respect of Dakotans by tracking down a gang of bandits who had stolen a riverboat and once knocked out a barroom bully who had taunted him. Though he spent the vast majority of his life in the East, Roosevelt thereafter always thought of himself as a westerner at heart, and he did more than any president before him to conserve the wild western lands he loved.

We owe a lot to the man that adopted the west as his heartfelt home and did a great deal towards making the West what it is today.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. He'd show today's special snowflakes a thing or two!

  2. Now there is a true "Man". we need more like him today - instead of the "special ones" we now have. There is a lot to be said for taking a "sabbatical" for ones mental health.

  3. He was a great man and yes we need more like him today more than ever. Not like these liver lillied ones who are destroying our beautiful lands.

    coffee on the patio sounds wonderful pretty nice morning

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Certainly would have set a good example in this day and age!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Most of us know that being out in the country can help us get our head on straight.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. He was a man's man, for sure, even though they named a child's toy bear after him.

  6. Hey Dizzy...
    Pretty tough ol' bird, that's for sure.
    Thanks for the visit today!
