Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Are We Being Watched...?

You bet we are. It would seem that more and more every day, our movements are being covered.

To some this is comforting, while others find it to be more than a little unsettling. Here are some of the facts from Listverse.


Although they stated the flights were completely lawful, in March 2016, the United States government admitted that it used drones to spy on American citizen for non-military purposes.

The details were only partially released, but it seemed the majority of the missions were said to be involved in search-and-rescue missions or to track wild fires and floods. Although this would seem perfectly understandable and even logical, perhaps because the FBI have admitted to using drones to spy as part of past investigations, the news made many American uneasy. An analyst at the time, Jay Stanley, also stated that due to technology moving as fast as it did, laws may need to be revised.

Now, I don't know about you, but I find this to be a little disturbing. Not that I'm doing anything wrong, but just on general principles, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, where Summer is back again.


  1. Now a days we come across many new inventions. Drone is used in many ways. It is very useful...

  2. If "they" were watching me they'd be bored to tears. I see them for sale at Lowe's!

  3. Maybe we could have "our" drones watching "theirs". Bet that wouldn't go over too well!

  4. Drones do have a very useful purpose. However, I feel that spying on innocent people isn't one of them. And the average person shouldn't be using them for "peeping tom" either. Not that I am afraid anyone would see anything spying on me. The drone would die from boredom. I just don't like the idea of one flying around my yard and I wouldn't hesitate to "take it down" if one did.

  5. i heard, not on the news, that a young boy had been killed by one here in the USA. did you hear about it? is it true?
    seems some of these government drones are armed.

  6. Bubba -
    What makes me uncomfortable is that your tv or computer is watching you! A co-workers whose son is in IT in the military told his mom one day that he liked her blue shirt. Problem - they were on email! He could see everything she was doing, and told her to always cover the little light on the front (camera) of the tv and computer with duct tape or a least a piece of paper. He could watch her all over the living room, and he was in Syria! Don't like the idea of hackers watching me when I'm in my comfort zone, especially from half-way around the world!
    Big hugs ~

  7. Those things are a hazard to planes when stupid people think they are being funny flying close to landing or low flying planes. And I wouldn't put it past the government to use them to spy on their own people.

    We had a huge storm blow through here last evening that lasted for about an hour.

  8. I read a report yesterday about a city that was going to arm their drones with tasers.

  9. Aren't they flying around just to give us practice with our shotguns. . . like wing shooting? Just make sure its camera isn't pointing at you when you pull the trigger.
