Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Camels In Texas For Western Wednesday...

I have heard a lot of pretty wild things about Texas over the years, but this may just take the cake.

I'm talking about the feral camels running around Texas with the blessings of the government!

Feral camels once roamed the plains of Texas.

One of the wackier ideas in American history, the U.S. Camel Corps was established in 1856 at Camp Verde, Texas. Reasoning that the arid southwest was a lot like the deserts of Egypt, the Army imported 66 camels from the Middle East. Despite the animals’ more objectionable qualities—they spat, regurgitated and defied orders—the experiment was generally deemed a success. As the Civil War broke out, exploration of the frontier was curtailed and Confederates captured Camp Verde. After the war, most of the camels were sold (some to Ringling Brothers’ circus) and others escaped into the wild. The last reported sighting of a feral camel came out of Texas in 1941. Presumably, no lingering descendants of the Camel Corps’ members remain alive today.

What makes this story even crazier is the fact that they actually had a U.S. Camel Corps established. Pretty wild stuff, huh?

Coffee out on the patio today. No camels are around, I promise!


  1. I remember hearing about that. In my opinion a camel wasn't the best idea the Army ever had. Maybe the most interesting, just not the best. Camels are a neat animal though. Foggy and cool - 40 degrees - here this morning.

  2. Wasn't there a movie about this? Starred James Garner to my recollection ...
    But give me a horse over a camel any day. Ridden both, and believe me, a horse is better!

    Big hugs ~

  3. Wasn't there a movie about this? Starred James Garner to my recollection ...
    But give me a horse over a camel any day. Ridden both, and believe me, a horse is better!

    Big hugs ~

  4. Hey Linda...
    Generally not a great idea, I think.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Don't remember the movie, but my memory isn't as good as it should be.
    Thanks for coming over, Sis!

  5. they also had camels here in AZ and somewhere I remember seeing a statue of one nothing huge it was on a stone base a memorial type thing. there aren't any left here either but sure makes for and interesting story.

    Even at this 8:31 am it is only 50 degrees loving this weather. Had a beautiful sunrise this morning
