Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kid Curry For Western Wednesday...!

Here's a guy we haven't heard about for a while...Kid Curry!

Like a few of the other bad guys roaming the Wild West, Curry was just plain born to be mean. Not many good things could be said about him from what I could tell. History will show that he was pretty much rotten to the core, I think.

Harvey “Kid Curry” Logan sentenced

Harvey “Kid Curry” Logan, the second-in-command in Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch crew, is sentenced to 20 years hard labor in a Tennessee prison. Though the famous Hollywood movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid portrayed Harry Longabaugh as Cassidy’s main partner, Logan was his true sidekick and right-hand man.

Logan was born in Kentucky but spent most of his youth in Missouri. According to legend, he killed a man when he was 19 and was, thereafter, always on the wrong side of the law. On his own or with occasional accomplices, Logan became proficient at robbing banks and killing innocent people, which inevitably attracted the interest of law officers.

He eventually sought refuge in the isolated Hole-in-the-Wall hideouts of Wyoming. The Hole-in-the-Wall was a sparsely populated region of rugged mountains whose remote location attracted outlaws who were trying to lay low and avoid the law. Here, Logan made the acquaintance of a former butcher turned outlaw named Robert Leroy Parker, better known as Butch Cassidy. Cassidy and Logan became the informal leaders of a loose collection of outlaws called the Wild Bunch, which included Longabaugh, Ben Kilpatrick (Tall Texan), and a cast of other motley characters.

For several years, the Wild Bunch was one of the more successful criminal operations in the West, robbing banks and trains in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico, and successfully defending their Wyoming hideout from the law. The Wild Bunch even hired its own lawyer to defend its gang members, and their file in the Chicago offices of the Pinkerton Detective Agency became one of the thickest in the agency’s cabinets.

Inevitably, though, the law and the Pinkertons began to close in on the gang. In 1901, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid fled the country for Bolivia, and no one is certain what became of them. The evidence for Logan’s fate is much clearer: most historians believe that after escaping from a Knoxville prison in June of 1903, he fled to Colorado, where it is believed he was wounded by pursuers and shot himself dead.

I hate to say it, but the world is a better place without his kind around. I can think of a few more that could join him, but I won't mention any names.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I'm baking, so it smells pretty good!


  1. That was a good read, thanks for passing it along.

    When killing innocent people becomes part of what you're know for you've moved from the 'folk hero' category to the 'just another thug' listing.
    Of course if Hollywood likes you you may end up a thug with good press! :-)

    Coffee inside sounds good to me, what's baking?

  2. Hey Rob...
    Nothing worse than a thug with good press. Been more than a few around lately. Bread in the oven and then maybe some cookies...
    Thanks for stopping over today!

  3. He was a bad one for certain. Anyone who kills just to kill needs to be gone killing himself just show what a nut case he really was.

    Baking sounds like a great way to warm up the kitchen its 26 degrees here.

  4. Hey Jo...
    No body missed him much, I'm thinking.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

    Hey Linda...
    Well stated, my friend!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. There is no need for old west fiction when there are so many true stories that are much better than fiction.

  6. I have to agree with Mr. Dizzy just look at U S politics. Now that some wild stuff.

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    Ain't it the truth?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey David...
    Gets wilder all the time, for sure!
    Thanks for the visit today!
