Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fetterman Massacre For Western Wednesday...!

I think we sometimes forget that the Native Americans were first and foremost excellent warriors and tacticians in the ways of war against their enemies.

Underestimating their abilities lead to several disastrous battles for the U.S. troops. This is the story of one such battle.

Indians massacre Fetterman and eighty soldiers

Determined to challenge the growing American military presence in their territory, Indians in northern Wyoming lure Lieutenant Colonel William Fetterman and his soldiers into a deadly ambush on this day in 1866.

Tensions in the region started rising in 1863, when John Bozeman blazed the Bozeman Trail, a new route for emigrants traveling to the Montana gold fields. Bozeman’s trail was of questionable legality since it passed directly through hunting grounds that the government had promised to the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe in the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851. Thus when Colorado militiamen murdered more than two hundred peaceful Cheyenne during the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, the Indians began to take revenge by attacking whites all across the Plains, including the emigrants traveling the Bozeman Trail. The U.S. government responded by building a series of protective forts along the trail; the largest and most important of these was Fort Phil Kearney, erected in 1866 in north-central Wyoming.

Indians under the leadership of Red Cloud and Crazy Horse began to focus their attacks on Fort Phil Kearney, constantly harassing the soldiers and raiding their wood and supply parties. On December 6, 1866, Crazy Horse discovered to his surprise that he could lead a small detachment of soldiers into a fatal ambush by dismounting from his horse and fleeing as if he were defenseless. Struck by the foolish impulsiveness of the soldiers, Crazy Horse and Red Cloud reasoned that perhaps a much larger force could be lured into a similar deadly trap.

On the bitterly cold morning of December 21, about 2,000 Indians concealed themselves along the road just north of Fort Phil Kearney. A small band made a diversionary attack on a party of woodcutters from the fort, and commandant Colonel Henry Carrington quickly ordered Colonel Fetterman to go to their aid with a company of 80 troopers. Crazy Horse and 10 decoy warriors then rode into view of the fort. When Carrington fired an artillery round at them, the decoys ran away as if frightened. The party of woodcutters made it safely back to the fort, but Colonel Fetterman and his men chased after the fleeing Crazy Horse and his decoys, just as planned. The soldiers rode straight into the ambush and were wiped out in a massive attack during which some 40,000 arrows rained down on the hapless troopers. None of them survived.

With 81 fatalities, the Fetterman Massacre was the army’s worst defeat in the West until the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876. Further Indian attacks eventually forced the army to reconsider its commitment to protecting the Bozeman Trail, and in 1868 the military abandoned the forts and pulled out. It was one of only a handful of clear Indian victories in the Plains Indian Wars.

This is the kind of thing that the U.S.troops faced time and again. By not treating the Indians as seasoned fighters, the troops never really had a chance. Poor leadership and planning lead to more than one defeat on the battlefield.

Coffee in the kitchen again today, but it smells like cookies baking so that's a good thing.


  1. The Army would have been wise to treat the Native Americans with more respect and realize they were very good warriors. this was a fascinating article ; thanks for sharing.

  2. Good Post today my Friend. It's just to bad they didn't just learn to leave the Native Americans alone period.

    Rained here all night not to cold but a little on the chilly side. But who can resist the smell of baking cookies, Not Me!

  3. Hey Gorges...
    Glad you found it so, my friend.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Bad move to underestimate them, for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Would have been a good thing, it seems. Oh well, learned the hard way, I reckon.
    Thanks for dropping in, sweetie!
