Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday Funnies...

Let's have some cartoons today. Haven't had any for a while.

And one more...

Kinda fun seeing the older ones again, don't ya think?

Coffee in the kitchen where it's nice and warm!


  1. Back when I was just a kid I remember Saturday morning was cartoon time. You could always find us kids sitting in front the TV set. Back then we only had 3 channels.Television broadcasters had morals and parents didn't worry about what us kids were watching. Now the world is all messed up.I sure miss those days.

  2. Thanks for the funnies this morning.

    Nice hot cup as we are at 34 again this morning. Cozy warm kitchen and good friends warms the heart.

  3. Hey David...
    I can remember those days pretty well myself. Fun times!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    You are certainly more than welcome, sweetie!
    Thanks for dropping in today!
