Monday, January 2, 2017

Confederate Gold For Monday Mystery...

Over the years we have all heard of treasure pf jewels and gold buried or hidden all over the place. In some cases, you could even buy a map showing just where to find all the hidden stuff...after letting go of a little gold of your own, of course.

Now, history does support the fact that a rather large amount of treasure has not yet been found, at least not as far as anyone knows. Here are the fact as we know them.

The Confederate Treasury

The year was 1865, and the American Civil War was drawing to a close. As the Union army marched the final path to victory, however, Confederate Secretary of the Treasury George Trenholm made one last effort to preserve the South’s assets: he liquidated them. While a veritable fortune in gold, silver, and jewels had been carried by President Jefferson Davis and his men when they abandoned Richmond, Virginia, when they were captured, it was all gone. All of it, save a few confederate banknotes. And the most improbable part of all was the staggering 4,000 kilograms of Mexican silver dollars that seemed to simply have vanished. Dozens of theories have been proposed to explain the mystery behind the missing treasure. Some maintain that the gold was distributed among plantation owners and buried, waiting for a day when the South will rise again. Many believe that the silver was buried in Danville, Virginia, where it still resides today. Others have claimed that the funds were entrusted with a secret society called the Knights of the Golden circle, so that they could finance a second civil war in the future. But the truth is, the real fate of the Confederate treasury still remains a mystery to this day.

So what do ya think ? Are you ready to head out on a treasure hunt, or should everyone just remain calm and take a deep breath. At least we won't have to buy a map that way.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Boy has this story been told and retold, I remember a show on TV quite some time ago where these guys dug up half the south looking for these buried treasures. I'm sure there are things buried around but I wonder really how much? With the way that this country has grown and built it would have to have been dug up or maybe buried deeper with out even realizing. Yes I have a huge imagination LOL

    I'll join you on the patio need to thaw out it is down right cold and damp here again 34 degrees

  2. Think I'll just take a deep breath and just join y'all on the patio. If I can't even win PCH sweepstakes or the lottery what are my chances to find the gold? Save me a spot on the swing; I'll bring some crullers.

  3. Hey Jo...
    Some stories just never go away, it seems!
    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!

    Hey Linda...
    I think you've made a good choice.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. The only ones making any money at all are the ones who are selling the maps to all that gold. . . Pssst. . . wana buy a treasure map? (grin)
