Monday, February 13, 2017

Another Monday Mystery Video...!

I'm sure getting spoiled in doing these video presentations. Maybe it's time to take a vacation, ya reckon?

Strange how some of these mysteries stay unsolved after all these years, isn't it?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I baked some fresh cookies I'll share!


  1. These mysteries sure do make a person think. Why can't they be solved? What more can investigators do to find the murderer? Sure got me thinking early this morning. Cookies sound great with my morning cup of coffee - thanks.

  2. Hey Linda...
    I don't know what else they could do. I imagine the investigators are frustrated to no end. It would be nice if there weren't so many of them world wide, ya know?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Creepy stuff and amazing how many unsolved murders and disappearances there are. With all the new forensics today hopefully someone will open these cases again. Some may be way to old but who knows.

    Coffee in the kitchen and the smell of fresh backed cookies and I'm there.

  4. Hey Jo...
    The smell alone will get to ya, for sure! Same with home baked bread. There's something about that yeast smell I love.
    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!
