Monday, February 27, 2017

Donnie Decker For Monday Mysteries...!

Sometimes in this life, there are such strange things that happen around us we just can't explain! Such is the case with little Donnie Decker.

Donnie Decker

Dubbed the Rain Boy in 1983, Donnie Decker was visiting his friend’s house when he abruptly went into a trance-like state. Immediately after, the ceiling began to drip water and a mist filled the room. His friends immediately called on the landlord who was alarmed by what he was seeing. Some time later, Donnie was at a restaurant with other companions when rain started pouring down their heads. The restaurant owner immediately forced him out. Years later, due to a petty crime, Donnie was put into jail where he caused chaos when rain started to pour down in his cell. After angry inmates complained, Donnie explained that he could make it rain when he wanted to, and proved his point by dumping rain on the jailor on duty. Eventually, he was released from jail and found a job as a cook at a local restaurant. His present whereabouts is unknown – as is the cause of the mysterious rain.

There are so many things in this ol' world that we will likely never know the truth about. Maybe we should stop looking for the answers and just enjoy the mystery, ya reckon?

Coffee out on the patio once again. Our fickle February weather has turned back to Spring!


  1. Sounds like a handy ability to have, Bubba. Might "dampen" a few hothead situations, huh?
    I have tried to comment several times lately, but this laptop, y'know ...
    Looks like I and it need to come visit and get a few kinks worked out ...

    Big Hugs ~

  2. Strange mystery. I don't remember ever hearing about this. It might have been a wet mess in the house.

    Supposed to rain here for the next couple days. We shall see. At least its the patio is warm and dry

  3. Weird one! Never heard this story before. Supposed to rain here again tomorrow.

  4. Hey Sis...
    Might come in handy at times, for sure. Sorry to hear that the laptop is acting up. Feel free to drop by anytime and I'll see if I can help!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    No doubt it would cause problems if he did it in the house. Crazy weather for sure.
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I try and find the unique stories when I can.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. Wow! That is different... There is so much out there that I am convinced that we don't know enough yet to even ask the right questions.

  6. Hey Rob...
    These are the kind of stories we never hear about anymore. Maybe we are just not supposed to know the answers.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!
