Friday, February 10, 2017

Snake In The Toilet...!

No, don't panic! This isn't a snake in my toilet this time. Just a little story to show how crazy things can get around here from time to time!

Texas Rattlesnake Infestation

Photo credit: Big Country Snake Removal

Earlier this month, a Texas family discovered a rattlesnake in the toilet of their Aberdeen home. When young Isaac McFadden ventured into the bathroom in the morning, he discovered a “big clump”—he knew it was a snake. The boy told his mother, who returned with a shovel to slaughter the serpentine invader. Big Country Snake Removal’s Nathan Hawkins found the dead snake in the toilet “very unusual” but nothing outside his wheelhouse.

During a routine sweep, Hawkins discovered 23 other rattlesnakes around the home. The first place Hawkins looked was in the old storm cellar. He discovered 13 rattlers huddled in a corner. In the crawl space, he found old sheet metal housing a den. He removed 10 adults and five babies from the den. Hawkins receives 50 to 75 calls a day. 90 percent of snakebites he’s encountered occur when someone is trying to harm the snake.

I'll bet that if the young man in the story didn't need to go before finding that snake, he REALLY had to go after! Not sure I would trust my toilet after that5 find, though. I've never found a snake, but I have had a 'possum make its way into the house through the toilet. I think I told you that story, remember?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, but you may need a sweater. Just saying...


  1. Now that would really bother me. I've never had anything bigger than a chipmunk get into my house and that was a real chore to trap it and get it out. But a snake in my toilet would really bother me. Have a great weekend!

  2. Good Grief! I would die! that's a lot of snakes in one place. Must have cost a fortune to get rid of all those snakes. I can't stand snakes especially poison ones.

    We are only at 48 this morning a light jacket is fine.

  3. Bubba - reminds me of the time Mama had possums in the toilet and all the "pros" said it couldn't happen. But you saw it and knew it could, right! Took weeks to get the last one out of the house, didn't it?!
    Bug hugs ~

  4. Bubba - reminds me of the time Mama had possums in the toilet and all the "pros" said it couldn't happen. But you saw it and knew it could, right! Took weeks to get the last one out of the house, didn't it?!
    Bug hugs ~

  5. Hey Linda...
    How could you ever trust the toilet again. I wouldn't be able to concentrate, I'm afraid.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Regardless of the cost, it needed to be done. I find it disturbing that a company made a full time income doing this!
    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!

    Hey Sis...
    I ended up trapping it myself. Ugly critter, especially when it was mad!
    Thanks for coming by this morning, Sis!
