Monday, March 13, 2017

Antarctica again On Monday Mystery...

Once more, from the land of ice, we have a mystery that no one seems to have an answer to. Strange one, it is.

You can bet the conspiracy folks are having a ball with this one.


Antarctica is one of the most desolate places on the planet and also the coldest continent. In spite of the cold and the fact that it contains about 90 percent of the world’s ice, Antarctica is classified as a desert because of its minimal rainfall. Over the years, scientists have made many discoveries here, including a valley deeper than the Grand Canyon that lies under the ice in west Antarctica as well as an undersea volcano off the Antarctic coastline.

Earlier this year, pictures of a structure resembling a giant staircase running up the side of an Antarctica mountain started making the rounds on the Internet. With it came the conspiracy theories. Some people are convinced the “staircase” is a remnant from the lost city of Atlantis, while others believe it to be a landing site for UFOs or a Nazi base. There has been no official scientific theory given as yet for the anomaly after it was spotted on Google Earth, leaving it open to the imagination as to just what that structure may be.

I don't know what this staircase leads to if anything, but it is strange to find it way out there, don't yo think?

I reckon we better have our coffee in the kitchen this morning.


  1. That definitely is weird. But I am sure there is a reasonable explanation that we just haven't heard about yet. Definitely coffee inside as we are in the middle of a snow storm. BLAH now I have to do some shoveling.

  2. Interesting, but leave to the scientists to figure it out. I think Atlantis is a little far fetched.

    I'll see you in the kitchen just a little chilly here this morning

  3. Hey Linda...
    I would be interested to hear what they find, for sure. I have ne doubt they are working on it.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Yeah, I don't buy the Atlantis answer either. Strange, for sure!
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

  4. Someone found it on Google Earth... I wonder how many people spent their free time looking for stuff on Google Earth?

    Speaking of looking for stuff, I just took a look at the world map of your viewership. A LOT of people from the east coast of Australia, not so many in the rest of the country.
    Climate? Internet access only on the east? Going to have to give this some more study...

    Coffee on the patio in Pensacola wan't bad at all the last few weeks, not so much here in northern Georgia today.

  5. Hey Rob...
    I don't know what's going on with the readership, but it seems to be dropping off more all the time. Maybe it's time to change things up a bit, or just stop altogether. It's really become more of a habit thing now
    Thanks for stopping in this morning!

  6. I read your blog every day but don't comment often. I really enjoy it. You find really interesting things. And I love the cartoons.
    Chickenmom sent me over long ago.
    BTW, I saw an interesting theory that Atlantis was on the coast of Portugal, beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Probably destroyed by an earthquake. If I can find the link I will put it in a follow up,comment. The theory fit the legend.

  7. Found it

  8. Hey Terry...
    I'm glad that you like the blog post. Welcome to our little group of coffee drinkers. I appreciate the link as well.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. I think it's just a shadow formed by more ice and rock, but who am I to destroy a good old conspiracy theory?
    Atlantis? Melt all that ice and you sue got enough water ...
    Big Hugs
