Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Be Good And Eat Your Medicine...?

Sometimes we never stop and remember that most most medicines came from humble trial and error beginnings. I don't know who the first people were that served as the first lab rats, but I'd say that they were pretty brave...or desperate!


Photo credit: GOKLuLe
Kaolinite is the mineral name for China clay. It is a beautiful, white clay named after Kao-Ling Mountain in China. It is used to make all kinds of ceramics and is also safe to eat. While eating clay may sound strange, people have been swallowing kaolinite for years. It is used in medicines as well as toothpastes. 

Up until the late 1980s, the anti-diarrhea drug Kaopectate had two active ingredients: kaolinite and pectin. The odorless sugar compound pectin is a soluble fiber and thickening agent used to make jellies and jams, while kaolinite is excellent at absorbing fluids. The combination of the two was effective against the runs. People old enough to remember the original Kaopectate may also remember its distinctly chalky, clayey smell. That is the smell of the mineral kaolinite.

I don't remember any medicine we had to take that really tasted good...and the only thing we got when we ate any clay was someone yelling at us to stop, ya know?

Coffee inside just because it's supposed to rain again here.


  1. I don't remember it either. Rain you say? Guess we'll be getting it in two-three days then. Have a great day, HJ.

  2. I do remember the bad tasting "clay/chalky" taste to Kaopectate when I was a young child. But I never knew where it came from. Thanks for the lesson today, always good to know these things.

  3. When I read the title I was thinking "an apple a day"!

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Guess we forget about the medicine we took as children. Either that, or we were very lucky not to have taken much.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    If nothing else, it makes us seem smarter somehow...don't you think?
    Many thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Yeah, I guess the title was a little misleading. Sorry about that!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. Most medicines were tried out on mentally ill and prisoners. Many died from the experiments or the after affects were horrible. I didn't know that stuff was made from clay. I don't remember the last time I took any.

    Coffee in the kitchen it is. The sun is shining here but the temp is low.

  6. Kaolinite in Kaopectate, sounds right. Yep, those two words just seem to go together.

  7. Hey Jo...
    I know that some folks had to be first, but I'm glad it wasn't me!
    Thanks, girl, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Does have a nice ring to it, right?
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. You are right about us never taking too much medicine.Part of the reason was probably the awful taste. I know we sometimes didn't say anything about how we were feeling so we didn't have to take anything. I do remember the thick chalky taste. The thick texture wasn't pleasant either. You amaze me,Bubba, with your fount of endless knowledge. Love you.
