Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Cleaning Up That Brain...

Sleep is far more important to our bodies than most of us ever thought. Even more importantly, it's very crucial to the health of our brain.

In order to do what it needs to do, our mind needs to rest. This is done while we sleep!

Brain Cleansing

Photo credit: nih.gov

During waking hours, toxins and other waste products accumulate throughout the cells of the brain and body. As the rest of the body shuts down when you go to sleep, your brain gets to work. Essentially, it opens a valve that allows cerebrospinal fluid (pictured above) to flow from your spine into your brain, rinsing the tissue and taking all the toxins with it.

This process is part of a larger cycle known as cellular respiration, a series of reactions that help cells create energy from nutrients and keep the body running. The toxins removed at night are “leftovers” from this process.

Although this cleansing occurs throughout the body, its effects are most noticeable in the brain, where inadequate sleep has noticeable effects. This brain gunk that remains is one of the main reasons you often feel lousy after a long night.

Looks like our folks were serious when they got after us about not getting enough rest. I hate to admit it. but I think I don't get enough brain cleaning at night, so does that mean that I have a dirty mind?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning due to the rain being here again!


  1. I am sure I don't get enough "brain cleaning" at night, since I know I don't sleep well. That explains why I feel so tired all the time and why I don't seem to think as well as I used to. And here I thought it was just old age.

  2. I go to bed to late and because I have to let the dog out early in the morning I guess I better take more naps. Hows that sound. I don't think you have a dirty mind you also must need more naps :)

    I'll have coffee in the kitchen with you anytime

  3. Hey Linda...
    I think we may blame too much on old age sometimes. There may be a scientific reason we feel the way we do. Not always, of course, but often.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I also go to bed later than I should quite often...OK, every day, but I really don't like to miss my naps! I take at least one a day, sometimes more.
    Thanks, sweetie. That means a lot to me!

  4. Sometimes I think that brain cleaning process gets out of control and shrinks my brain, you know, the way some clothes shrink when washed.

  5. Hey Dizzy...
    I reckon anything is possible, but what do I know?
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. My slowly healing leg injury keeps waking me up at night. I can feel the brain toxins building up. If my brain gets totally toxic . . . I might end up doing something crazy, like running for Congress.

  7. Hey Sixbears...
    Now don't go and do something silly like that! You might just win and then what?
    Glad to hear that you are healing OK.
    Thanks for coming over today!
