Friday, April 21, 2017

Death Numbers That May Surprise You...

There are so many ways that death can approach us, there is just no telling how it will come.

However, it might just be a surprise to you to see the actual numbers of a few of the ways we depart. Certainly not the numbers I was expecting.

Sharks vs. Vending Machines

It is very unlikely to be killed by a shark—the United States experiences 16 shark attacks each year, with less than one fatality every two years statistically. Vending machines, on the other hand, claim the lives of 2.18 people per year, making your snack sources almost twice as likely to kill you.

Plenty of other causes pose a higher risk of death than shark attacks. Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually, cows kill 20 people a year, and bees are responsible for 100 deaths each year. On a larger scale, almost 6,000 people die from tripping and falling at home each year, and mosquitoes claim the lives of over 800,000 people each year, mainly due to malaria in developing countries.

Who would have ever thought that the number of people that died at home as the result of a fall was that high? Certainly not me! Guess we need to be extra careful!

Coffee out on the patio this morning, with plenty of sun.


  1. And the older we get the more brittle our bones which break more easily. I don't go down to the pond alone any more. Actually haven't been down there in the two years since I broke my leg. Happily I haven't had to but the time is coming.

  2. Falling in the home is a huge cause of injuries and death. One cause they forget is being taken out in a car accident by some idiot on their cell phone. Have a great weekend.

  3. Coconuts? Who'd a thought...

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Dood reminder that we need to be careful about breaking any bones. Mom had a couple of breaks when she was alive and had a hard time recovering. I think waiting until you have company to go to the pond is a great idea! No need to tempt fate.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    That's the one that bothers me the most, I think. Living alone makes it a real concern to me. As far as the car accidents caused by stupid drivers go, what can ya do?
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I know, right? I don't know of any coconut trees around Houston, but I'll watch out all the same! Never knew the numbers were that large!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  5. Falling in the home is how the lady across the street died. We don't know how long she may have been before she died or if it was something else , stroke or heart. She lived alone and as she was friendly she stayed to herself. Very sad way to die.

    Coffee time on the patio it is

  6. A handsome guy like you may have to worry about being taken out by a jealous husband. . . Of course I have never seen you but I picture you as wise and handsome.

  7. Hey Jo...
    Living alone with no one checking up on ya is the main worry for me. I figured that somewhere down the line, maybe I'll get a volunteer to do that without having to ask.
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I don't know about the handsome and wise part, but I always made it a point to NOT mess with married women. Had a few as friends, but that's where it ended
    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

  8. hey Bubba,We know two people very close to Mama who died as a result of falling at home...Marguerite and Fred. Neither died at the time of their fall but later that day or night. I surely didn't know about the falling coconuts. Guess we were lucky when we lived on Guam. We had a coconut tree in our back yard and a teen from Truk used to climb up and throw coconuts down for us. He had survived a shark attack as a child and had a very scarred leg to show for it. You were never supposed to know it but I had spoken to two of your neighbors and asked them to check on you occasionally. just be careful as we would miss your blog! Love you.

  9. Hey Sis...
    For whatever reason, I never thought of falling coconuts as being a danger. Just goes to show that when it's your time, anything can take ya out!
    Thanks so much for coming over today, B.
