Monday, May 8, 2017

Eugene Izzy's Death On Monday Mystery...!

Sometimes even the experts are baffled by a death, not knowing for sure if it was suicide or murder. This was the case with Mr. Izzy.

Seems as though there was no evidence of a crime, the authorities were faced with an interesting and intriguing mystery with nothing clearly pointing to suicide.

How Did Eugene Izzi Die?

Photo credit:

Eugene Izzi enjoyed a successful career as a writer of hard-boiled detective stories set in his hometown of Chicago. However, the most enduring mystery he left behind was that of his untimely death.

Izzi died on December 7, 1996. His body was found dangling outside his 14-story office in downtown Chicago. He was hanging from a rope tied to a steel desk located in his office. At first glance, it seemed like a straightforward suicide case (and that was the official ruling). However, the details made the death seem straight out of a mystery novel.

For starters, there was a lack of motive. Friends and family found it hard to believe that Izzi would commit suicide, particularly as he had a new book coming out. More bizarre, however, was the fact that the writer was found wearing a bulletproof vest. In his pockets, police found brass knuckles and mace. There were reports that Izzi also had a .38-caliber revolver in his office.

Did Izzi have a reason to fear for his life? Friends claimed that he had infiltrated a paramilitary group in Indiana as research for a new book. He had received at least one threatening voice mail. This was further supported by an article submitted to the Chicago Sun-Times where Izzi attacked militias and hate groups.

To me, a suicide without a note is always suspicious. And what was the reason for the vest, gun, and brass knucklesa if he killed himself? Way too many questions, in my opinion.

Coffee out on the patio again today. Got some rice crispy marshmallow treats I'll share.


  1. Suspicious, yes. A true whodunit. You always come up with such good stuff. Thanks, HJ.

  2. Very suspicious if you ask me! Suicide just doesn't seem to fit in this case. Great one for a Monday.

  3. If you are cop and rule it a suicide, you can be home on time for dinner. Solving mysteries are hard work.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Thank you for the nice words this morning. I enjoy bringing this kind of stuff to everyone.
    Many thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Linda...
    I have to agree with ya on that. These "locked door" mysteries are always a little difficult to deal with.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Does seem like they were taking the easy way out, doesn't it?
    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Well now this is a true mystery here, His hands weren't tied or it just didn't say.

    Good things to ponder over coffee.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Doesn't say if his hands were tied or not. It would certainly add to the mystery if they were.
    Thanks sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. It sure was a bad way to promote his new book. . . I guess the police called it a suicide since an accident would be hard for people to swallow. Yep, I would say some foul play was involved.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, I don't think that this act would make him a big star in the literary world. Really terrible timing.
    Thanks for the visit today!
