Friday, May 19, 2017

The Right Hand For Freaky Friday...

Some things that seem really creepy just can't be explained away logically.

If this next story doesn't creep you out at least a little, nothing will. It's not a story I would use to put the kiddies to bed with, I don't think!

Saint Stephen (“The Holy Right”)

We may not have access to Saint Stephen’s entire body (it seems that only his right arm was incorrupt), but his right fist takes part in a yearly parade on his feast day in Hungary. It’s known as the “holy right,” unless you’re an incorrigible local youth, in which case you might refer to the relic as the “monkey paw.”

For founding the Christian Hungarian state, Saint Stephen was canonized in 1083, and, when his body was exhumed, the Church found his right arm to be completely intact. They promptly removed it (as you do) to be venerated. It went on a bit of a journey due to the Tartar invasion – to Croatia, where it was cut in two so it could be shared with a church in Vienna – before returning to Hungary in 1771. During WWII, it was removed once again, this time to Austria for safekeeping.

It’s now back home at the Basilica of Saint Stephen in Budapest, where you can see it…briefly. A light will shine on the relic if you deposit a coin, but only for about 30 seconds at a time.

Which, honestly, is probably more than enough time to stare at a mummified fist.

I'm sorry , but I don't find anything holy about this fist. Reminds me way to much of the Mummy movies, ya know?. Nice visit from Baby Sis yesterday. She and her hubby just got back from a trip all the way to Ireland and other very scenic places.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Contractors are finished with my hall bath, so it's quiet again!


  1. Yay..bath finished. As for the fist...ewww. Glad you had a good visit and I'm jealous of their trip (which I hope to take one day).

  2. I never could understand the practice of "venerating" someones body parts. That is just too creepy. Happy to hear your hall bath is finished. Have a great weekend.

  3. People back then believed in some really sick stuff.

    So happy your bathroom is done. And nice visit from Baby Sis, what a nice vacation.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    Exactly my feelings on the bath! Took a while, but it's worth it!Sounds like they had a really good time and the pictures are beautiful...especially of Ireland!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I don't pretend to understand it either. Seems off somehow to me. But to each his own, I reckon!
    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Hey Jo...
    Many still believe in these things today, from what I understand! Yeah, it seemed to take a long time to finish it, but it was worth the wait!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!


  6. I myself have acquired a holy olive, from the holy grove of Gethsemane. I would be willing to let it go for, say, a case of AK-47's. If the AK-47's are milled, and not stamped, I will throw in a hair from the beard of Saint Cuthbert, gratis.

    Have you ever read any of "The Last Kingdom" books by Brian Cornwell? There are 10 books, and they deal with the period from the sack of Lindesfarne to the end of the reign of Alfred the Great and just after. Some of the machinations of the Church over Holy Relics are included in the book and it boggles the mind.

  7. Hey Harry...
    Sorry, I don't have anything I can trade ya! It is a nice souvenir, I'm sure.
    Haven't read any of the books you mentioned, but I'll have to check them out!
    Thanks for the visit today!
