Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Visit To The E.R. At V.A....!

I spend most of yesterday in the E.R. at the V.A. due to a long lasting nose bleed! The last time this happened, I ended up in the hospital for 4 days.

Imagine being awake at 6 A.M. with a nose bleed that just won't quit. The bleeding continued until I was admitted to the E.R. for test. They finally released me at around 6P.M., so I was wiped out. I hadn't eaten all day, but the fun really started when I got home and then became very sick because of an upset stomach

Anyway, that's it. Don't look for any post for the next couple of days. I may be forced to take a couple of days off, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio, even if I'm not there...OK?


  1. I am just glad you were able to go home. I wish I was there with you. No matter how much we like our solitude it is nice to have someone nearby at times. Try to get something in your stomach later today. We all have you in our thoughts and prayers. Love you, Bubba.

  2. Sorry to hear that happened to you. An emergency room is just about the most miserable place you can wind up. Hope you are home soon.

  3. Sorry to read that. I hope you can find a solution to the problem and get to feeling better.

  4. Hate when that happens! Hope you get to feeling tip top soon. Any idea what caused it? Sending positive thoughts your way.

  5. You know if I was close by I would be there for you. Take it easy and hope they know why this has happened.

    I'll serve up the guests and sure will miss your posts

  6. Eat lots of liver and spinach. Don't those help build up the blood? I love both of them. In fact, I have some liver in the fridge and thinking that would be great for supper.

  7. Take all the time you need. Just get better soon. Sending positive healing thoughts and vibes your way.
