Sunday, August 27, 2017

Stormy Sunday Cartoons...!

Before I get back to reading, thought I'd take the time to share some 'toons for a stormy Sunday.

If the weather folks are right, the rains are going to stick around for another couple of days. Got plenty of coffee laid in, so I'm OK.

Maybe just one more...

Well, the rain has started back up, so guess I better get back to my book.

Coffee in the kitchen again.


  1. Those are some rabid looking animals in "Big Buck Bunny" including the bunny himself. I wonder if I will think of him when my little bunnies come out of the woods to eat. Glad you are still in touch with the world outside of the Texas coast. Stay safe. Love you, Bubba.

  2. Love Big Buck Bunny! He sure showed them what bullies can get.

    Sure happy your OK and as long as you have your supply of coffee and some food you can weather the beast. Stay safe and dry my Friend

  3. Jim, did you lose power?
    Please let us know what's happening there.
    Hope the rain isn't hitting you as bad as other areas.
    Keep in touch... if you can.

  4. Be safe and keep your water wings close at hand. I sure hope that you didn't get flooded out. At 10:38 pm it is still raining heavy here at my houses.
