Sunday, September 10, 2017

How About Some Sunday 'Toons...?

I know it's been a while, but here are some 'toons to start off your day. Hope you like them.

And maybe one more...

OK...that's enough for today. I'm ready to go do something, even if it's wrong!

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Still like the roadrunner. Don't remember ever seeing him as a baby. I think we have talked before how Daddy liked roadrunner cartoons so much. Thanks, Bubba. Was sad to hear about Don Williams. As I have told you before, you look a lot like him. I see so much of you especially in the picture of him sitting in front of the book shelves with a cup of coffee (presumed) in his hand. Coffee sounds great. Love you.

  2. Hey B...
    Glad to know you still like the roadrunner. Wish I had a voice like Don Williams. No money problems then, for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. You know I love the roadrunner so I was happy to see that one this morning. I see you dad liked him too, so did my mom she would laugh and laugh.

    I sure woke up late this morning good thing we aren't doing our breakfast this morning we switched it up for lunch today.
