Tuesday, September 5, 2017

It's Raining What...?

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that lately we have had some really abnormal weather all across the country.

However, this is a case where strange weather takes a huge leap forward. To say this is scary is like saying the ocean is a little wet. I only know that if or when this happens, I don't want to be anywhere around, ya hear me?

Raining Cats And Dogs . . . And Spiders?

Photo credit: elitedaily.com

One of the many laws of the universe is that everyone is either a dog person or a cat person. These two options encompass all of humanity. While virtually everyone loves animals, it would not be healthy to love them so much that one would want them to literally fall from the sky. If you love animals that much, maybe you should seek professional help. But before you do, we have good news for you.

While not a common occurrence, flightless animals falling from the sky is an actual weather phenomenon. While typically not dogs or cats per se, many animals have been recorded falling from the sky along with rainwater. Some examples include frogs, tadpoles, spiders, fish, eels, snakes, and worms (not a pleasant picture in any scenario).

The current leading theory is that these animals were lifted into the sky by waterspouts or tornadoes occurring in their natural habitat. Sadly, this has never been witnessed or recorded by scientists.

If this theory happens to be true, it does not explain a similar circumstance where raw meat fell from the clear Kentucky sky in 1876. Yeah, figure that one out.

Now, if this type of rain isn't strange, I don't know what is. I got this article from Listverse, so thank them for the nightmares.

Coffee out on the patio once again.


  1. daddy [born 1911, lincoln county, West Virginia] said it once rained frogs.

  2. Hey Deborah...
    I've heard that before from some older folks here in Texas. Never had reason to doubt it.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I have never seen anything other than rain fall from the sky and I sure hope that is all I ever will see. Glad we can join you on the patio again. Save my spot on the swing for me.

  4. Hey Linda...
    If you see strange things falling like rain, I do hope it isn't spiders.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. Now that is something I don't want to ever see for sure.

    I glad to be back to the patio for some coffee time with friends. Don't get me wrong I loved being in the mountains and sure didn't want to come back here. And I didn't bring my laptop and didn't have working cell so I did miss coming to your place.

  6. Raw meat? In many ways that is as gross as frogs and spiders. I didn't say scary, just gross. any word on when you can get the ac looked at? Love you, Bubba.

  7. It sure isn't safe to be down wind from a nuclear blast or worse yet, to take a direct hit. But it would relieve the over population problem in some areas.

  8. Hey Jo...
    Glad you are back with us. I would love to visit the mountains with ya, but I'm stuck here in South Texas for a while.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Does sound gross, for sure. No answer on the AC repair, I'm afraid.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Not a place I want to be, I'm afraid.
    Thanks for coming over today!
