Saturday, September 2, 2017

No Post Today...!

It's been a hell of a week here in Houston and all across southern Texas. Record shattering storm, high water, flooding and so much destruction I can't even begin to talk about.

Because of that, I am taking Saturday and probably Sunday off. I just didn't want anyone to worry about me, OK? I'm tired and pretty much done in by everything from this week and need the time off.

Thanks to everybody for all the well wishes and prayers. They are greatly appreciated by all of us !

Help yourself to the coffee this morning. You know where it's at!


  1. I will bake you a Peanut Butter cake. Or had you rather have chocolate? Maybe I will create and make a chocolate peanut butter. Whatcha think? Love you, Bubba.

  2. Beware of the mosquitoes!! As if you weren't bothered enough by them. Have your saddle ready and when gas prices get too high take advantage of those buggers!!

  3. Get yourself a loooooong total passed out nap. It does wonders for me when lunch is a bit large.

  4. I checked in on you a few days ago and was very glad to see you were okay. No need to explain that you need some time off!! perfectly understandable! Be well and get some rest.
    Annie from Edifice Rex

  5. Take it easy. Looking forward to your return.
