Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Murder Of Little Augie...!

Back in the days of organised crime, there were a lot of folks that went missing, kidnaped, or just ended up dead. Such was the case for Little Augie.

Little Augie Pisano is murdered

Mob assassins shoot Anthony Carfano, known as Little Augie Pisano,to death in New York City on Meyer Lansky’s orders. Lansky, one of the few organized crime figures who managed to survive at the top for several decades, was estimated to have accumulated as much as $300,000,000 in ill-gotten gains by the 1970s. Still, the government was never able to prove any wrongdoing.

Meyer Lansky, the son of Russian immigrants, had an eighth-grade education, which put him far ahead of many other criminals. According to legend, Lansky was a straight arrow until one day in October 1918, when he joined a fight between teenagers Bugsy Siegel and Lucky Luciano over a prostitute. After the three were charged with disorderly conduct, Lansky and Siegel became friends and began running a high-stakes craps game.

The two later expanded into bootlegging, car theft, and extortion, and helped form the New York “syndicate.” Lansky, a ruthless leader who would not tolerate disloyalty, ordered the murder of a thief who failed to provide an adequate kickback. Although he was shot several times, the thief survived to name Lansky as one of the assailants. Lansky then poisoned his hospital food, and though he survived a second time, the threat was enough to change his attitude toward testifying. Later, he even rejoined Lansky’s gang.

In June 1947, Lansky ordered the death of his old friend Bugsy Siegel in Beverly Hills, California. Siegel, who had been sent to the West Coast in order to establish a new mob presence, came up with the idea of building The Flamingo, Las Vegas’ first major casino. The casino had been built with mob money, and Lansky was angry over the pace of Siegel’s loan payments.

When Lansky ordered the murder of Anthony Carfano 12 years later, Carfano had been intruding on Lansky’s gambling interests in Florida and Cuba. His death eliminated all competition and opened up emerging markets for Lansky in South America. During the 1960s and 1970s, Lansky made a special effort to stay out of the public eye and was fairly successful. He died of lung cancer in 1983.

I'm sure that organised crime is still around now days, but they keep a much lower profile than in the early days. The old school fellas like Lansky are few and far between.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I gotta go to VA, so help yourself...OK?


  1. We all know organized crime is still around, just can't prove it so we can't prosecute.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Kinda what I was thinking.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Burden of proof and all that. Sometimes it's a pain, sometimes a good thing.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. The Mafia was bad news and I'm sure they are still around. And yes now they are called Politicians.

    We will hold down the patio for you. Hope all goes well at the VA

  4. Hey Jo...
    I'm back and all was well. No doubt that many politicians are more than a little bent. Still, they still manage to get elected. Crazy, huh?
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!
