Monday, October 30, 2017

Airplane Mysteries For Monday...!

Instead of writing out a post about some of the mysterious airplane vanishings over the years, I thought we would share a video about them instead...OK?

We could go on and on listing the other flights that have disappeared over the years, but it seems rather pointless until the mysteries just listed have been solved. Just my opinion.

Coffee out on the patio one more time. Maybe the sun will shine a bit.


  1. I was just watching the AHC channel yesterday and they were talking about a few of these. Can't believe that with all our modern technology some of these planes haven't been found.

  2. Magnetic fields? Bermuda triangle? Aliens? Who knows?

  3. Hey Linda...
    Yep...even with the "eyes in the sky" satellites, we can't find them.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Certainly does seem like a mystery, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  4. I remember some of these incidents. I do like these videos easy to listen too and watch.

    I'm up for the patio nice morning.

  5. Hey Jo...
    That's what I like to make things easy!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!
