Friday, October 6, 2017

Lovecraft On Freaky Friday...!

Did you ever read any of H.P. Lovecraft's work? Maybe you should...!

Some folks don't like to read creepy stories or books, but in order to get a broader prospective, it's important to read all kinds of literature. At least, that's my opinion.

H.P. Lovecraft

The Hermit Of Horror

Photo credit:

H.P. Lovecraft’s impactful and dark writings forever expanded the horror genre. He lived a life of isolation and prejudice that would cripple him from ever creating a name for himself during his lifetime. His legacy wasn’t born until years after his death.

Both of his parents had mental health issues that led them to the same insane asylum. More than likely, this reality was reflected in Lovecraft’s own delirium. His stories influenced many works by Robert Bloch, including Psycho (1959).

Lovecraft passed away penniless in 1937 at age 46. Though his dark perspective was something he could never escape, his stories inspired the creation of literary subgenres like “cosmic horror” and the work of icons like Stephen King and Guillermo del Toro.

Like I said, you should read all kinds of stories. After all, many of yesterday's science fiction is today's scientific fact!

Coffee out on the slightly cooler patio this morning.


  1. After being a horror and sci fi reader for more than five decades I had never read any HPL. Always meant to, but just never got around to it until my daughter and SIL bought me a Kindle a couple years ago. "H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction Kindle Edition" is available at Amazon for $.99. That's what I bought. Definitely creepy stuff...........

  2. I've read some Lovecraft many years ago and they were scary, but good!

  3. Read his works a LONG time ago. Definitely stuff to give you the creeps. I believe his stories are making a comeback.

  4. Don't think I have ever read any of his books. I do see how some of yesterdays science fiction is becoming reality though. Some of it scares me. Have a great weekend.

  5. Never heard of him, Bubba. Maybe I'll give him a try. Especially after hearing about taminator's .99 special. You know me and a bargain ...
    Big Hugs ~

  6. Hey Taminator013...
    Readers like the Kindle make it so easy to read anywhere, and Amazon can sure provide the material. Makes it fun!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Bob...
    Any writer that can put you in the mood he wants is good, in my opinion.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I do believe you are right about Lovecraft making a comeback. Then again, good books are never completely gone, right?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    In some cases, I believe we should be at least a little frightened about some of the things sci-fi books wrote about.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    I am surprised you haven't heard of him. Might want to try reading one of his stories, even though it isn't your normal cup of tea.
    Thanks, Sis, for the visit this morning!

  7. Pretty amazing stuff. Just make sure not to have a steady diet of it.

  8. Hey Sixbears...
    It's always better to have choices spread out and genres change in order to not get burnt out on any one kind, I believe.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  9. I have never heard of him either but I put it on my list. I just bought a Nook since Amazon's help center killed my up date on my kindle white paper which I had for many years. I'm with Baby Sis .99 or free haha but if a book is highly recommended I will buy it for under $5.

    You know I will be on the patio after all isn't cooler what we have been waiting for?
