Sunday, October 15, 2017

Riddles For Sunday...!

Instead of cartoons today, let's do a few riddles. OK?

Just one more for ya...

Well, that was a little different, wasn't it? Kinda fun for a change, I think.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Freshly baked peanut butter cookies to share!


  1. Too much for my brain at this hour of the morning. Only guessed one in the first one. Second one didn't want to load. Will try again. Love PB cookies!

  2. Hey Momlady...
    I realize that it's early for this kind of exercise, but I figured it might be fun.
    Thanks for trying and for stopping in today!

  3. Like Momlady to much this early so I will try again later. But I will try some of those fresh baked cookies with my coffee. Thank You for making them my favorite

  4. Good ones, Bubba! Got about 1/2 of them, but was thrown by the plums.

    Love some pb cookies - I'll brew up a fresh pot of coffee.

    Big hugs ~

  5. Just when I was starting to feel good about myself, you went and made me feel really stupid!! Ok, maybe I was stupid to begin with. . . (grin)

  6. Hey Jo...
    I think you'll enjoy them once you see the answers. Always easier to peek at the back of the book.
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!

    Hey Sis...
    I knew you would like those cookies, being as how pb is one of your favorites, right?
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Some of these are not so easy. I had a tough time with more than one of them. I don't reckon there is anything wrong with your thinking cap!
    I appreciate the visit today, Dizzy!
