Friday, October 20, 2017

Siberian Stiff For Freaky Friday...!

Today I found a really strange story on Listverse that fits the bill for freaky Friday, I think.

Siberian Stiff

Photo credit:

On July 1, 2016, Russian authorities discovered the mummified remains of a man 15 meters (50 ft) up in a Siberian pine. Investigators revealed that he had been dead for eight months.

He died in a sitting position with his hands wrapped around the trunk. The man was found wearing a navy vest, sweatshirt, pants, and felt boots. He was discovered in Tomsk in a wooded area between Chekistsky Road and Mostovaya Street. Investigators are working to establish the deceased’s identity.

The man was found on a road leading to Seversk. Forbidden to foreigners, this “closed city” was omitted from Soviet-era maps. It is an epicenter of Russian enriched uranium and plutonium production.

In 2015, a container housing depleted uranium lost pressure and exploded at the Siberian Chemical Industrial Complex. In 1993, the Tomsk-7 Reprocessing Complex became site to one of the world’s greatest nuclear disasters after it released a cloud of radioactive gas.

I would say that this story qualifies as a good Freaky Friday entry, wouldn't you?

Coffee out on the patio if it isn't raining already.


  1. He climbed the tree to get away from a bear and the bear never left. :)

    Making the coffee for the day. It's another clear and sunny one.

  2. Maybe he was scared stiff? Sorry, couldn't help it. Have a good weekend.!

  3. Hey Sixbears...
    Makes sense to me.
    Thanks for stopping in today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I should have seen that one coming! Ya got me!
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Maybe he was trying to get a better look at the forbidden city and then he couldn't get down, the bear thing might be a good reason too.

    supposed to be a nice cool day here we shall see.

  5. Hey Jo...
    Guess he carried the answer to the grave with him. He certainly won't be telling us in person.
    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!
