Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Animals Had It First...!

Just when we are patting ourselves on the back for some major discovery, we realize that the animals have been doing the same thing, but for much longer.


After the controversy over Dolly the sheep, you might have assumed that cloning was a new and strange phenomenon. If you want an alternative opinion, though, ask a starfish (aka sea star).

Starfish have been asexually reproducing with no difficulty well before cloning was even a word. Not only that, but starfish that clone themselves live longer and healthier lives than starfish that reproduce sexually.

So cloning obviously suits these creatures rather well. Additionally, if a starfish breaks a limb or even breaks its body in half, the creature will simply regrow and regenerate itself as needed. Some species even have the ability to produce a new body from part of a severed limb.

Starfish are evidently the experts when it comes to cloning, so perhaps we ought to leave it to them?

Sounds like a good idea to me. Leave it to the real experts!

Coffee out on the patio again this chilly morning.


  1. Now this is interesting. Yes leave it to the stars of this cloning.

    I don't mind the chilly I'll wear a little jacket.

  2. At my age, I could use a new body. Send instructions, please. . . (grin)

  3. Hey Jo...
    Good jacket weather, for sure. 54 on the patio right now.
    Thanks for dropping in today, dear!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I'm in that very same boat, my friend!
    Thanks for stopping by today!
