Monday, October 2, 2017

Unsolved Murder On Monday Mystery...!

Here's a story that is every parent's worse nightmare. The death of a child.

To lose a child is sad beyond belief, but to have that child murdered and not have the guilty party caught? Well, that only intensifies the anguish the parents go through, I'm sure.

The Murder Of The Grimes Sisters

On the evening of December 28, 1956, 15-year-old Barbara Grimes and her 13-year-old sister, Patricia, went to see a movie at the Brighton Theater in Chicago. When they didn’t return home, their mother reported them missing. A massive search was conducted for the Grimes sisters, but they were not found until January 22, 1957, when their frozen, nude bodies were discovered in a ditch near Willow Springs. Their bodies contained numerous bruises and marks, including three unexplained puncture wounds in Barbara’s chest. There has always been controversy about how and when the Grimes sisters were killed. The initial autopsy report concluded that they died on the same night they went missing, but the chief investigator believed they lived for several more days and were still alive when their bodies were dumped.

One suspect was a drifter named Bennie Bedwell, who had been seen with two girls resembling Barbara and Patricia on December 30. Bedwell was charged with their murders after making a confession, but he claimed the confession was coerced. The charges were dropped once it was discovered that Bedwell had an alibi during the time the girls went missing. However, one of the case’s strangest leads came from an unlikely source: Ann Landers, the famous advice columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Ann received an anonymous letter from a girl who claimed she saw a young man forcing the Grimes sisters into a car. The girl even provided a partial license plate number. Police suspected the letter might have actually been written by the murderer and wanted to question Ann, but she felt obliged to never discuss the letters she received. As a result, that lead went nowhere, and the murder of the Grimes sisters has never been solved.

I got this sad story from Listverse and I have to say, there are so many more of these stories it makes me worry about the human condition at times.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Sad, indeed. Unfortunately it happens all too often.

  2. So sad. This situation is always so hard on the survivors who want justice and closure. Our local newspaper has been doing a weekly article on just such unsolved mysterys.

  3. Hey Momlady...
    How true, how true!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Any loss of a child is sad, but not to find a culprit makes it even worse, I would think.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Did Ann Landers think she was a priest or something that she wouldn't give up the letter. That alone should have been a crime against her for allowing a possible murderer to go free. But none the less this is a very sad story.

    Nice morning but should be in the high 90's later today so lets enjoy the patio while we can.

  5. Hurting and/or killing children is the worst crime possible and anyone who is caught should be turned over to the parents of the children and let the parents dish out what ever punishment they deem necessary. A long slow painful death would be my choice for them.

  6. There are some animals out there.

  7. Hey Jo...
    Who knows what she was thinking? Not very helpful.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I do think that's a great idea, Dizzy.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Yes, there certainly is.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
