Sunday, November 19, 2017

Turkey Day 'Toons...!

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I figured maybe some turkey 'toons would be a good thing.

One more and we are done...

Man! I have to say that these 'toons were some real TURKEYS! Worse 'toons I ever chose, I think. I should apologize to everyone, but what do ya expect for free?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning!


  1. Ah, the venerated turkey. I'll be enjoying it at my daughter's. Hard to believe it's that time of year already. This year has flown by quickly. Seems to get quicker every year. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Wellllll you tried and yes they are free hahaha the Charlie Brown one I know by heart since my kids watched every year and then the grand kids and now the great grands. Also the Christmas one.

    A little on the chilly side this morning but it still feels until I jump in the shower in a few minutes to get ready for Mommy, Daughter day. Have a good one my Friend

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I know what you mean. Time passes way too quickly for me anymore.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Some of them are classics, I reckon. Especially if you have kids.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  4. Love the cartoons. It's been a long time since I had to cook a turkey. I still do the carving, though. :)

  5. Hey Kathy...
    Women make better carvers than men, in my opinion. Let the men cook and the women carve. Seems fair to me.
    Thanks for the visit today. Don't be a stranger!

  6. Hello, Jim. I'll be visiting from time to time. Hope you don't mind, but I added you to my blog list. (I'm sorry there isn't much to see yet on my site, which I just started a couple of days ago.)

    Have a great week!
