Saturday, December 16, 2017

How About Some OTR...(Old Time Radio)?

Again today, we are doing something a bit different. Radio programs from long ago!

I used to listen to some of these programs when I was a young kid and didn't realize I could still find them on Youtube today! How cool is that?

They have some good old westerns on there as well, like gunsmoke, Paladin, and many others. Check it out, why don't cha?

Coffee in the kitchen again today.


  1. My all time favorite was The Shadow. Used to listen to The Lone Ranger and others, too. You can get some of these old radio shows on DVD. It sure does get the imagination going.

  2. I have heard of this radio station through the years but I don't remember hearing it in my home. I know we had a radio because my mother used to love to sing along while she did her chores.

    It is freezing cold this morning yet it is only 44 degrees. I really must get a new furnace. Hot coffee sure does help

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I really liked the Shadow as well. Glad I found these on Youtube.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    The radio played a big part in our entertainment back when I was young. Plenty of music, and programs such as the Shadow. Dad liked the4 westerns best!
    Thanks for dropping over today!

  4. Loved those old time radio programs. Six Shooter staring Jimmy Stewart was my favorite. We lived on the farm and still had an old Philco dry cell battery type.

  5. Hey Riverhauler...
    I found some of those programs on youtube. You should check them out!
    Thanks for stopping by today!
