Sunday, December 3, 2017

Slightly Different Musical Sunday...!

There is a lot of beautiful music out there and some really talented folks making that music.

Here are a couple of tunes that are responsible for the sweet sounds coming from my patio this morning. I hope you like them.

And one more...

Well, there ya go. Some beautiful music on a beautiful day...brought to us by some very talented people. Enjoy it!

Coffee out on the patio today. I made chocolate chip cookies!


  1. Love that pan flute... especially with Unchained Melody.

  2. Hey Kathy...
    Yeah, it does make some very nice sounds. I've always liked it.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. 2Cellos is my favorite although the Pan Pipes are very soothing. Love chocolate chip cookies, thanks.

  4. Love the pan flute I have seen this played in person very calming

    You know how I love me some cookies see you in a bit

  5. Hey Momlady...
    The cellos are great, for sure. Pan pipes have always been one of my favorite sounds, though.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    It does have a gentle sound to it.Soothing and calming...
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

  6. Yes, the pipes are intriguing, especially in person when the players change pipes and sizes incredibly quickly without ever missing a note. Probably more soothing to just listen than to watch :)

    Big Hugs ~
