Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Friend In The Closet...!

Many children (and a few adults) have imaginary friends in their lives, but most outgrow these imaginary friends over time.

Even though the invisible friends more or less fade away, that doesn't stop a few of them from being pretty creepy. Here is a story about a young girl that had an invisible friend named Jonathon.

The Boy In The Closet

When three-year-old Rebecca started talking about her new friend called Jonathon, her parents didn’t take much notice. Even when she became obsessed with her closet and told her parents that Jonathon was in there, they didn’t think anything of it. After all, many toddlers have imaginary friends, and Rebecca would soon grow out of the notion of it.

Then, Rebecca’s mom fell pregnant again, and the family opted to move to a bigger place that would accommodate their new baby. Rebecca moved on from her imaginary friend, and her parents soon forgot about it completely. Four months later, the new owners of the family’s old home contacted Rebecca’s father. They had found a trapdoor in the back of Rebecca’s closet, and below the trapdoor, there was a hole with a box in it.

The box contained baby pictures and baby clothes. On the box was written: “Jonathon’s.”

I got this story from Listverse where they have plenty more stories of imaginary friends that are fairly creepy in their own right. Take a look, if you want.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Now that is creepy. I see a movie in the making about that one. 50 degrees and rain today. although the temps will drop all day and the cold is coming back.

  2. Hmmm, makes you wonder. Did someone own the house before the little girl's family and, if so, what would that story be?

  3. Hey Linda...
    At least it's rain and not snow, right?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    The backstory would be interesting, to say the least.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. That is too weird.... coffee outside sounds like a fine idea!

  5. WOW that is creepy. That's one for the Ghost Hunters.

    We went down into the high 30s for the over night temps and maybe we will reach low 60s for our high today, never went over 58 for yesterdays high. So your patio still sounds like the best place to be

  6. Hey Rob...
    It is weird, isn't it? A bit scary, too!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Just one more mystery to ponder, huh?
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

  7. Raised the tiny hairs on the back of my neck. But, I'm a believer ...

  8. Great story. It sure makes one wonder what that little girl really saw. A child does have quite an imagination but then, too, but with a trap door in the back of the closet, I would tend to believe she did see somebody.

  9. Hey Sis...
    Sometimes we just never know. Might be a bit more creepy than we could guess.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Certainly sounds as though it was more than an active imagination.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  10. Okay, that just freaked me out a little. Creepy. Going to need something stronger than coffee.

  11. While at my sister's house, I decided to retire down stairs to nap. A few minutes into what I thought was sleep, I felt a presents come in and I froze rigid, couldn't move. I knew it was a youngish man who laid behind me and put his arms around my waist in a spoon position. About that time, my daughter called out 'mom' and I unfroze and woke up? I wasn't sure if I had been dreaming or definitely felt real. Told my sister this and she said a young man committed suicide in the downstairs room. This freaked me out!!! My sister had never experienced weird or unusual activity. In California, if you buy or sell a house, you have to disclose any deaths in the house or property.
