Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Swarm Of Death...!

Fewer things hurt more to me than being stung by a wasp or bee. I can only imagine what kind of pain this man must have gone through. Not something I want to experience, that's for sure.

An Unforgiving Swarm

On a quiet Sunday afternoon, Rogerio Zuniga was on his tractor tending to his farm in Lorenzo, Texas, when the third-generation farmer hit an abandoned irrigation pipe. Unbeknownst to Zuniga, the 18-inch (45 cm) diameter piping housed an enormous hive of Africanized bees. As the enraged insects emerged from the darkness, a frightened Zuniga jumped off the tractor and ran 100 yards (91 m) before being overcome by the lethal swarm. When Zuniga’s family noticed that the tractor was abandoned, they searched the field only to discover the farmer’s lifeless, tattered body completely smothered in bees.

According to Zuniga’s sister Lisa, “He had gaping wounds, the bees shredded him basically. It was horrible.” Upon further investigation, the fire department discovered 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m) of honeycomb inside the pipe causing the county to get involved. As crews broke through the concrete piping, they became swarmed by the extremely aggressive insects with some even sustaining stings through their hefty veil. After four hours of cleaning out the irrigation pipe, the fire department noticed that the bees were relocating to another massive honeycomb located on the property where the victim’s mother resided.

What a horrible way to die. Sounds like something out of a horror movie!

Coffee out on the patio again. Hope this good weather holds up.


  1. A horrible way to die. Makes me shudder just to think about it. Send some warmer weather this way, please, but no bees.

  2. That is a horrible way to die. When I lived in AZ we heard of numerous people being killed by these bees. I think the "creator" of these Africanized bees should have to suffer the same consequences as these poor victims. Why develop such a creature!

  3. Hey Momlady...
    I feel exactly the same way. Makes me hurt all over.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    In some states, these bees are more numerous than others. Deadly critters, for sure!
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. We had a landscaper die this way just this past summer about 1/2 ml from my home. But these bees come from Africa and were brought here for some reason or they just happened to be in a shipment of some kind. But they sure took control and hold quickly. You don't even have to hit there hive just load noises neat their nests will get them going. It's must be so awful

  5. Carry pepper spray or smoke bomb when out in the country or in the fields. I work in my yard and make sure bees not flying around and carry pepper spray. I hike a lot in remote areas and take precautions.

  6. In our last home, we had a swarm of bees take up residence inside the walls. It was OK until they found a way into our home. We called an expert on bees and he tore part of the outside wall off and it was packed full of honey combs and bees. We finally got rid of them, but things could have gotten a lot worse. They could have attacked us or our pets. My granddad kept bees and as a little boy, I only got stung once and that was when I carried one in my hand up to the house. I guess he didn't want to go inside. . .

  7. Awful. I was stung by just seven and that was bad enough.

  8. Hey Jo...
    That's sad about your landscaper being killed, especially so close to your home .
    I've heard that they don't need much to get riled up. Gotta be careful!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Yes it is. Damn scary!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rita...
    It does pay to be careful and it sounds as though you are. Good!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    You're right. It could have been a lot worse.
    Thanks for the visit , my friend!

    Hey Sixbears...
    All I can say is OUCH!
    Thanks for stopping by today!
