Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mysterious Stairway Story...!

When you want a bit of "feel good" news, turn to this story of the mystery stairway from Listverse.

The Miracle Of Loretto Chapel

These days, religious miracles seem to be in terribly short supply. A pall has even been cast over such seemingly infallible characters as Mother Teresa. But New Mexico’s Loretto Chapel, built in 1878, might just give credence to idea that saints walk among us.

During the building of the chapel, the architect was shot to death, and when the project was completed, the building was missing one key feature: a way to get to the choir loft, which was 6.7 meters (22 ft) above the ground. There was no room for a conventional staircase, and the nuns were averse to using ladders because they were afraid of snagging their long habits. The legend goes that the sisters of Loretto prayed for nine days, and on the final day, a bedraggled man arrived on a donkey and asked permission to solve their problem.

Using only the most basic of tools (not even nails), he created a glorious winding helix staircase over the course of a few months. At first glance, the structure seems to defy the laws of physics, as it appears to have no central means of support. Upon finishing, the unidentified carpenter simply went on his way without being paid. The nuns, taken by the majesty of his creation, believed that the man was none other than St. Joseph, patron saint of carpenters. Other theories have been advanced, probably the most plausible being that the man was an itinerant French carpenter named Francois-Jean Rochas.

The staircase itself has since been thoroughly examined, and while beautiful, it is not exactly a marvel. The helix is so tight that the center portion acts as its own support, keeping it from toppling over. It has also been judged as very unsafe, acting as a spring when people climb on it. Today, the Loretto Chapel is privately owned, and frequently stages weddings where couples are allowed to pose on the staircase.

Who ever the carpenter was that built the stairway, he did a beautiful job. The mystery may be in wondering how it was done with the tools available at that time. Pretty amazing for sure!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. In the 60s, but the sun is shining!


  1. That is such a beautiful staircase and definitely a marvel for when it was built. I am on my way to your house. It is snowing a very wet snow and is solid ice underneath the snow. I'll take your 60 degrees over this stuff any day. Multiple accidents this AM for the morning commute.

  2. Beautiful spiral! Amazing craftsmanship. Does make you wonder who the creator was. I'm ready for Spring. Had enough of this back and forth weather.

  3. Hey Linda...
    Pretty and practical for it's time, I reckon.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    The work is absolutely flawless to me. I'm with ya on Spring.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. That is the most beautiful stair case and yes so very amazing the way it was built.

    It is only 30 here right now so I will be running for your patio and the warmth of the sun. 60 is perfect to for me

  5. I've seen this, Bubba, and it's even more beautiful and baffling in person. It was built by a miracle, in my opinion, whoever the carpenter was.
    Out and about a bit today, before more cold and wet.
    Big hugs ~

  6. Wow, that is something! Say what you want about it, it's been there doing the job for over 100 years. A lot of lathe work getting those banisters made!

    It's cool this morning here in the free desert outside of Quartzsite AZ. I'm watching people head out in their RVs to where ever it is they are going but it's sunny & going into the upper 60s. The sunshine & blue sky is nice!

  7. The most amazing part would be keeping it from collapsing as it was being built. It sure is beautiful.

  8. Hey Jo...
    Beauty like this doesn't fade, does it?
    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    I can only imagine how stunning it must have been. Enjoy the sunshine! I know I will!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    It certainly seems to have been built to last. The sun is great, isn't it?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Almost as though he had some devine help, right? Who knows...
    I appreciate the visit this morning.

  9. Nice work indeed!

    Coffee in FL and in the 70s today. Life is good!

  10. Hey Sixbears...
    You are having some great weather there, Sixbears. Enjoy it while it last! I'm a little envious!
    Thanks for stopping by today!
