Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Robots Making Coffee...?

I don't know why I wasn't surprised at this story from the Houston Chronicle. After all, we use machines every day in some fashion to make our food and coffee, right?

Still, the idea of a robot making my coffee is a bit of a shocker. But hey...if the coffee is good, then everything is cool!

Robot makes coffee at new cafe in Japan's capital

TOKYO (AP) — Japan has a new cafe where customers can enjoy coffee brewed and served by a robot barista.

The robot named Sawyer debuted this week at Henna Cafe in Tokyo's downtown business and shopping district of Shibuya. The shop's name in Japanese means "strange cafe."

The single-armed robot scans a ticket purchased from a vending machine and greets the customer.

"Would you care for a delicious coffee?" the barista, with a screen showing a pair of cartoon eyes, asks in a flat tone. "I can make one better than human beings around here."

It grinds the coffee beans, fills a filter and pours hot water over a paper cup for up to five people at once. A cup of brewed coffee costs 320 yen ($3) and takes a few minutes.

Sawyer can also operate an automated machine for six other hot drinks including cappuccino, hot chocolate and green tea latte.

Customers, many of them young men, took photos with their smartphones while they waited in line.

The cafe operator, travel agency H.I.S. Co., says robots can increase productivity while also entertaining customers.

"An essential point is to increase productivity," said Masataka Tamaki, general manager of corporate planning at H.I.S. He said only one person needs to oversee the robot cafe, compared to several people needed at a regular coffee shop, so it can serve better quality coffee at a reasonable price.

Tamaki says it's not just about efficiency. "We want the robot to entertain customers so it's not like buying coffee at a vending machine," he said.

Takeshi Yamamoto, a 68-year-old restaurant employee who works in the neighborhood, said his first experience with the robot cafe was very enjoyable, and his robot-made coffee was delicious.

"It's quite rich, and tastes very good," Yamamoto said, as he took a sip. "You can get machine-made coffee at convenience stores, too, and it's actually good. But here, I had great fun."

I reckon that's what coffee time is all about, having a good time with friends while enjoying some good coffee.

Coffee inside this morning, as the rain is coming back.


  1. Still don't know how I feel about robots taking over a human persons job. However, I do believe having coffee with friends is what it is all about. I have some fresh baked bread and sweet WI butter to share with everyone this morning.

  2. I prefer human contact. MacDonald's is going high tech in some places with machines instead of humans. Don't think I like where all this technology is going. Fresh baked bread sounds wonderful Linda.

  3. Hey Linda...
    I'm afraid that this is a preview of things to come. Guess we'll see soon enough.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Seems to be the way of the future, for sure. Kinda sad really!
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. While this robot can be entertaining it is putting more people out of work, if people don't have jobs then they will not be buying coffee or anything else that is robot made.

    Linda I would love some home made bread with coffee made by our Mr. Hermit no robot stuff there

  5. Robots don't have to be better than humans, just make less mistakes. That sounds like low hanging fruit!

    I've been using the robots at the grocery store checkout lines & banks for years now with never a thought to the humans who were now doing something else.

    Robots don't take cigarette breaks, they don't call in the Monday after the Superbowl and they don't require extra pay to work late or on the weekend.

    Just think about a self driving car and one of those Honda robots than can walk around... you've automated the pizza delivery guy!

  6. Hey Jo...
    More and more robots are showing up in the workplace. No telling if it affects the human jobs or not. Probably not so much, I'm thinking.
    Fresh bread is always a good thing. Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I wonder if the automated pizza guy should be tipped? Probably added on to the final bill. I understand the Amazon store is completely automated. Haven't seen it, though.
    Thanks for the visit today!
