Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Roach In The Nose...!

It's bad enough to find one of these critters crawling around in the kitchen, but when they get inside your head...YUCK!


Photo credit:

They are the kitchen culprits we all love to hate and often the reason behind a man’s girly squeal. But what if one of them ventured where no roach had ever dared to go? Perhaps . . . your skull.

In early 2017, a 42-year-old woman from India woke up to tingly, crawling sensations in her right nostril. Thinking she was simply catching a cold, the domestic worker tried to go back to sleep, only to be plagued by different movements inside her nose.

She spent the rest of the night awake, waiting for the morning Sun to appear on the horizon before she could go to a hospital. She suspected the problem to be an insect of some kind as every movement made her eyes burn.

The woman was referred to three different hospitals before doctors scanned her skull and discovered an apparent “mobile foreign body.” Finally, they used an endoscope to find the cockroach in the skull base, right between her eyes and dangerously close to her brain.

Doctors quickly used forceps and suction devices to remove the annoyance. After 12 hours, the bug was safely extracted and surprisingly still alive. Doctors were actually relieved to find the insect still alive as it could have caused a deadly infection if it had died.

Ya know, visiting India has never been on my bucket list, and is even less so after reading this story. BTW, I took this from the folks at Listverse.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning.


  1. Up the nose or in the ear, any bug......EW!

  2. My hubby's company just sent some employees to India. I don't him if they asked him to say NO WAY. Many years ago (when I was still working) we tried to kill some cockroaches by putting them in a -10 degree F freezer for 3 months. When we thawed them out they were still alive. They are one nasty bug.

  3. Hey Momlady...
    My sentiments exactly!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    They are indeed hard to kill. I'm glad your hubby didn't go to India.
    Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Inside the skull? Close to the brain? Wow! I've always thought that my brain was separate from my nose.
    I never expected, never EVER expected that a soda that came out the "wrong" hole in my head that it might have gone the other way!

  5. Hey Rob...
    Keep in mind, this report came from India. I'd take all their reports with a grain of salt.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  6. Roaches have survived since the beginning of time. Filthy things. But this sounds a little far fetched, but I guess it could happen YUCK

  7. I believe that story. Roaches have been around way before man was and will be around long after man disappears from this world. They say that roaches are good to eat, so maybe in the future we will have roach farms??? Yuck!!!

  8. Scientist are doing research on roaches for longevity. They think we might be able to use whatever the roaches gave to make them live a long, long, long time. Scientist study animals and then try to copy or mimic them i.e. airplane.

  9. Hey Jo...
    I just hope something like that never happens to me.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I believe I'd rather go hungry, thanks all the same!
    Many thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rita...
    It's almost like the roach has super powers or something.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
