Thursday, April 12, 2018

No Wonder I Forget...!

I know that many folks about my age, or in the neighborhood, sometime have a few problems with their memory. It isn't that uncommon, I understand.

According to this article though, our minds are really just making room for new information. That should be somewhat comforting, I think.

The physical act of passing through a doorway is the reason why you often walk into a room and completely forget what you were doing. Because going through a door signifies the beginning or end of something, this creates an ‘event boundary’ within your mind. Basically, every time you go through a doorway, your brain starts filing away thoughts from your previous location to make room for a new group of memories in the next.

So now you know the reason why you sometimes can't remember what you entered a different room to find. It happens to me when I go through the door into my pantry sometimes. I often forget what I was looking for, and stand there like an idiot for a second until I remember.

Coffee ot on the patio this morning. Temps are headed to the mid 80s.


  1. Makes sense to me, Bubba. Of course, that may be because I forget so many things these days. But just making room for more thoughts, right?
    Big hugs ~

  2. That theory makes sense to me. But what about when you think of something in the next room and forget what it is before you even leave the room you are in. "Now what was it I was going to get from the living room?" Getting old I guess. haha

  3. Hey Sis...
    That's what I understand. Sure are a lot of us in the same shape.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Our minds seem to do their own thing at times, especially the older ones...know what I mean?
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. I love that now I have an excuse for being forgetful.

    Nice morning here too and temps will drop into the mid 80's today I'll take that. See you on the patio

  5. And I thought it was just because I'm old lol.

  6. Hey Jo...
    That's something that we all need from time to time, I think.
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!

    Hey Mamahen...
    As do the rest of us, my friend.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
